Damascus News - Term 4 Week 1
2021T4W1 - Principal's Update
From the Principal
Welcome to Term 3, everyone! It was great to welcome our Year 11 cohort back onsite today and for us to be able to finally complete the General Achievement Test, The GAT, with stud...
2021T4W1 - Year 9 Acts of Kindness
Student Achievement
Congratulations to Year 9 Student, Madison Rosenhart who as her Act of Kindness, picked flowers from her garden and then delivered them to her neighbours along with a positive me...
2021T4W1 - Onsite Uniform Shop Update
College Information & Events
Please see the following information for updates in relation to the onsite Dobson's Store:-
2021T4W1 - 140 Year Anniversary Gala - Postponed to Term 1 2022
College Information & Events
In order to address the updated travel and safety restrictions for COVID-19, as a College, we have decided to postpone the 140 Year Anniversary Gala scheduled for Saturday 23rd O...
2021T4W1 - Charlotte Grimes Art Award Acknowledgement
Student Achievement
In 2020 Charlotte Grimes (then in Year 11) was chosen as the recipient of the 2020 Art Acquisition award for her photographic piece titled ‘The Ineffable’ (shown here). This work...
2021T4W1 - Remembering Our Family and Friends
College Information & Events
Preparing for November In the Roman Catholic tradition, the month of November is a time for recalling those we love who are no longer with us. We pause to recall their signific...
From the Principal
06 October
Welcome to Term 3, everyone! It was great to welcome our Year 11 cohort back onsite today and for us to be able to finally complete the General Achievement Test, The GAT, with students undertaking VCE Unit 3/4 studies yesterday. 2021 is progressing rapidly, and our Year 12 students are down to their last two weeks of classes. I thank and acknowledge VCE Coordinator Matthew Hallowell and Administrative Assistant, Taneka Gardiner and the many people who supported them in bringing the GAT to fruition. Matt commences Long Service Leave from today, and he will be replaced in leadership by Alysoun Smalley and Sarah McKnight in Term 4.
Year 12 students will be supported with trial exam opportunities after school over the next fortnight. Teachers will share these opportunities with students in class, but we encourage students to take up the opportunity to undertake papers in a formal setting ahead of their end of year examinations.
Our final year VCAL students will participate in the Damascus version of the “Big Freeze” event here on site tomorrow. Student competencies are being assessed in conducting this COVID safe event. The proceeds of this event are going to research for Motor Neurone Disease, and students have set a target of $3,000 to assist research into this devastating condition. If community members would like to support the event, donations can be made here.
In my recent communications, I have outlined the plan for the return to onsite learning. Next Monday will see our Year 7’s return, and then the staggered return of Year 8,9 &10 will take place from Tuesday for the next two weeks with all students back onsite from Tuesday 26th October.
Yesterday we had guest speaker Luke Kennedy present to staff and families. Luke addressed issues regarding resilience and wellbeing, and I thank those families who were able to join Luke’s presentation.
As students return, can I reiterate the requirement to be in uniform. For the first two weeks of Term 4, students may wear summer or winter uniform, but not a combination of both. All students are expected in full summer uniform from Monday, 18th October.
Next week, the canteen will recommence, but we encourage students to pre-order their lunches at https://www.quickcliq.com.au/ to diminish congestion in the canteen area.
As part of our overall safety strategy, students will be taking their breaks outside as much as is possible. In situations of inclement weather, we will run our distributed wet weather arrangements with indoor spaces available. Damascus College 5’s remain as important as we return onsite, as they have been at any point through our response to the pandemic. I ask that parents please ensure your students have an adequate supply of masks as they return onsite.
The City of Ballarat Immunisation team will provide students with their recommended school immunisation this week (please note this is the regular scheduled school immunisations that take place each year.)
Damascus College will be offering the School Immunisation program tomorrow morning, Thursday, 7th October, for both Year 7 and 10 students. This immunisation opportunity will proceed, even though it is during our remote learning period. If students cannot make it on this day, alternate times can be arranged with the Ballarat Immunisation Team. The immunisations will take place in the Damascus Event Centre (DEC) during the following times
Year Level |
Surname |
Time |
7 |
A-L |
9.30 am - 10.30am |
7 |
M-Z |
10.15 am-11.15am |
10 |
A-L |
11.00am - 12.00pm |
10 |
M-Z |
11.45am - 12.30pm |
There has been significant sadness for Damascus families over recent weeks. We keep staff members Ann and Brendan Bawden in our thoughts and prayers on the recent passing of Ann’s loved Mum.
The Busuttil family, Mark, Deanne (staff), Sophie (Year 10), Emily (Year 8) and Charlotte grieve the passing of Mark’s loved father.
We keep the Gordijn family, Casey (Year 12) and Mason (Year 9), in our prayers on the passing of their loved grandmother over the weekend.
In light of the struggle, so many are experiencing from loss, we are called to recognise with appreciation and gratitude the love in our lives.
St Paul’s letter to the people of Corinth reminds us that;
Love is always patient and kind;
Love is never jealous;
Love is not boastful or conceited,
It is never rude and never seeks its own advantage,
It does not take offence or store up grievances.
Love does not rejoice in wrongdoing but finds its joy in the truth.
It is always ready to make allowances, to trust, to hope and to endure whatever comes.
(1 Corinthians 13:4–7)
We are all called to embody this culture of love, which is so often sought but rarely found in the rush of the working week or the false promise of consumerism. As members of the human family, each is called to be a prophetic witness to the love so eloquently expressed by Saint Paul. We make this our prayer for this week.
Until next week …
Student Achievement
06 October
College Information & Events
06 October
College Information & Events
06 October
In order to address the updated travel and safety restrictions for COVID-19, as a College, we have decided to postpone the 140 Year Anniversary Gala scheduled for Saturday 23rd October, until early in 2022.
We know that attendees planned and hoped to join this celebration from different locations around Australia, so we have made the tough decision to postpone to minimise risk and to exercise the necessary caution, in order to maintain the care, safety and well-being of our wider community.
As soon as the new date has been set for Term 1 2022, you will receive plenty of advance notice. Your tickets will be reissued with the new date, and you won’t need to do anything. If the new date doesn't suit, we will of course, refund the ticket price.
We understand that this decision may come as a disappointment, but in exercising our due diligence, it is the College’s responsibility to mitigate any risk to our community members.
To book your gala tickets, please go to: https://www.trybooking.com/BTQJX
Student Achievement
06 October
In 2020 Charlotte Grimes (then in Year 11) was chosen as the recipient of the 2020 Art Acquisition award for her photographic piece titled ‘The Ineffable’ (shown here). This work comes from Charlotte’s reflections of extended periods of lockdown last year and suggests that, whilst we were physically separated for long periods of time, there were still shared routines, emotions and experiences that kept us all together.
Charlotte’s work was chosen to be part of 2020’s VCE Top Arts exhibition and has been on display at the National Gallery of Victoria until recently. It is now back here at school and we look forward to being able to display Charlotte’s art in our school for many years to come.
Charlotte missed out on being formally recognized for this award last year due to the many lockdown restrictions in place at the time, so it is with great pleasure that we now can acknowledge her achievements.
Congratulations Charlotte on receiving the 2020 Senior Art Acquisition Award.
College Information & Events
06 October
Preparing for November
In the Roman Catholic tradition, the month of November is a time for recalling those we love who are no longer with us.
We pause to recall their significance in our lives. At Damascus College each year a Remembrance Book is prepared listing people who the College community is thinking about this November.
Community members are invited to add names to the Remembrance Book in the following format.
Name of Deceased |
Relationship to |
Name of Damascus Person/s |
Other details |
e.g., Bill Roberts |
e.g. Father, Grandfather, Uncle, Brother, Friend |
e.g. Anna Smith |
e.g. , Year Level of Damascus Person Year 10, or Staff Member |
You may add as many people as you wish. One line for each
Names will be printed in the Remembrance Book in this form
e.g. Bill Roberts, grandfather of Anna Smith (Year 10)
Please email names and other details to T.Haintz@damascus.vic.edu.au
Steven is an innovative and passionate leader and his leadership style is one that is highly relational and visible. His personal educational vision is to work in relationship and in partnership with all members of the community to create a faith learning dynamic that celebrates, affirms, and challenges people to achieve personal excellence.
Damascus College wishes to thank Mr Christopher Grant, Interim Principal for the leadership he has given to the College, since the departure of Mr Matthew Byrne at the end of Term 1 2022.
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