Damascus News - Term 3 Week 8
From the Principal
01 September By Mr. Matthew Byrne, Principal
Welcome to Spring everyone – it is nice to see the sun come out today!!
Last Friday, the Damascus staff worked with three key theologians on understanding our 2021 theme, “Be strong and courageous; for God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1.9). Sr Elizabeth Dowling, one of our own Ballarat Sisters of Mercy, unpacked the theme by helping the staff understand the importance of context in both scripture and life. One of the wonderful aspects of Liz’s presentation was that the God that is with us wherever we go could be envisioned as up ahead, calling us and our best efforts forth. In the context of this current and extended lockdown, where we are not able to come together physically as a school community, being strong and courageous is very pertinent. So too is the knowledge that a loving and caring divine presence is up ahead, calling us through this time of challenge. It was a helpful image for me personally, and I hope it provides some comfort for members of our community as we each navigate this time of uncertainty.
I again thank and congratulate our school community for your efforts to stay connected and continue learning in this time of lockdown. For students, staff and families, it is challenging, and if there are specific challenges or concerns that you are encountering, please reach out to the College through your TA, House Leader or a member of the College Leadership Team through info@damascus.vic.edu.au
We gained a good insight into how young people are coping through a survey yesterday in our TA lesson, and I will provide some feedback on this next week.
This week’s newsletter is structured differently due to the volume of information coming in and to try and make distilling it easier.
Remote Learning Set to Continue
In listening to today’s press conference, the Premier advised that schools will remain in remote learning for the rest of Term 3, with the possibility of some other restrictions to be eased for regional Victoria next week. This is concerning for the entire student cohort, but we keep our Year 12 students in our thoughts and prayers, as their end of secondary schooling is significantly compromised, and we will do everything we can as a school community to support them to navigate this challenging time. I hang onto the hope that we may be able to come back together as a school community in regional Victoria before the term ends.
GAT Change of Date
One of the announcements made today was that the General Achievement Test (GAT) for all students undertaking a VCE Unit 3//4 sequence, which had been rescheduled for 9th September, has again been moved to 5th October.
Vaccination Information
To ensure our senior students sitting Year 12 exams have certainty and are ready for exams, from Tuesday 7th September until Friday 17th September, the State Government will put in place a priority vaccination program.
As part of this program, Year 12 students will be given priority booking access at our state-run clinics, as will their teachers and examiners. Students and teachers will need to book an appointment, as walk-ups are not available as part of this blitz.
Students and teachers will be able to book one of these priority appointments from Monday 6th September. The Department of Health and the Department of Education will work directly with schools, and students and parents will receive advice on arranging a booking through their schools.
At present, the Victorian Government’s advice is that ‘COVID-19 vaccines are free, safe and voluntary. The more people who choose to get vaccinated, the greater the protection for those vaccinated and the whole community.’
Consistent with this advice, COVID-19 vaccinations are not currently mandated in Victorian Catholic schools. However, Damascus College has and will continue to encourage all community members to get vaccinated, but we respect that there is a diversity of views amongst our community. Staff are being supported with the flexibility to access vaccination appointments.
Damascus College will keep the school community up to date with the latest advice on vaccinations from the Australian and Victorian governments.
The Victorian Government’s goal is to support the vaccination of young people aged 12 and older as soon as possible, subject to the available supply of vaccines and advice from the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI). Young people aged 12 to 15 years are eligible to be vaccinated if they meet the following criteria:
Parents and carers of 12 to 15 year olds who are National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants are advised to check eligibility requirements with their service provider.
This week, Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced that bookings for 12 to 15 year olds would open on Monday 13th September.
All students aged 16 and older can now book a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine at state vaccination centres or through their local General Practitioner or Pharmacist.
Students aged 16 and older can book their own appointment and consent to vaccination themselves if the health professional assesses them to be a mature minor.
Eligible students and their parents or guardians should speak to their doctor or pharmacist if they have questions about the COVID-19 vaccine and their health.
To book an appointment, visit the coronavirus.vic.gov.au website or contact the Coronavirus hotline by phoning 1800 675 398.
To find a vaccination centre and opening times, visit the coronavirus.vic.gov.au website.
Anyone aged 16-39 can get their COVID-19 vaccine at a doctor’s clinic, pharmacy or community health service. You can find a participating doctor, pharmacy or community health service through the Australian Government Eligibility Checker. You can book your appointment online or by calling the vaccine provider nearest to you.
For more eligibility information, visit coronavirus.vic.gov.au or use the Australian Government’s COVID-19 vaccine eligibility checker.
For further assistance, contact:
On-site attendance for Permitted Essential Assessments
The Acting Chief Health Officer has approved the conduct of a restricted list of Permitted Essential Assessments on-site from last Monday, 30th August. All schools must follow all COVID-Safe Settings, Department of Education and Training guidelines, and specific Health Controls for Essential Assessments.
Performing Arts studies have been prioritised due to performance examinations starting on Monday 4th October. Permitted Essential Assessment for attendance on-site from Monday 30th August are approved for Performing Arts studies at Unit 3/4 level only for Drama and Music. This small number of students must have a COVID test in the 72 hours before attending on-site for assessments.
Evidence of a negative test result is not required before the assessment but must be provided to the school on request. Students can attend the assessment with their test result still pending but must advise the school immediately if they subsequently receive a positive result. This asymptomatic surveillance testing approach is one currently used during outbreak periods. As such, students are not required to isolate after they get tested while they wait for their result.
All Permitted Essential Assessments to be conducted on-site are capped at a maximum of 10 participants per session and are restricted strictly to those participating in essential assessments for these studies where they cannot be conducted remotely.
COVID-19 testing sites have been informed of these requirements and will not require students to provide evidence to support asymptomatic testing.
It is planned to progressively add studies with practical assessment requirements that can only be completed on-site as soon as possible, as determined on the advice of the Chief Health Officer.
Student Leadership 2022
The senior student leadership journey commenced yesterday for our Year 11 students during lesson 5. I encourage families to talk with their Year 11 student about the privilege of leadership and the contribution they may be able to make next year, and the possibility of making an application for student leadership.
Staff Appointment
I am pleased to announce the appointment of our new Grounds and Maintenance Manager, Neville Monson, who is joining Damascus with a really strong horticultural background and passion for nature and native settings.
Most recently, Neville has been working in Corrections, but prior to, had spent around ten years at Ballarat Cemeteries, managing the cemetery operations in a hands-on capacity and contributing to the long term plans and design of the grounds.
We hope to welcome Neville to the school from this Thursday, 2nd September.
We keep in our prayers all those struggling with the scourge of the change in life imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
God bless – Until next week…
College Information & Events
02 September
DO NOT go to the Emergency Department for COVID-19 Testing - please return home and book a test:
Testing for the Ballarat region is available by appointment at either the UFS Respiratory Clinic.
Appointment required
Book Online or call 03 4311 1571
309 Dana Street (Cnr of Doveton Street South), Ballarat
Monday 9:00am - 5:30pm
Tuesday 9:00am - 5:30pm
Wednesday 9:00am - 5:30pm
Thursday 9:00am - 5:30pm
Friday 9:00am - 5:30pm
Saturday 9:00am - 4:00pm
Sunday 9:00am - 4:00pm
No appointment needed - just come in during opening hours
630 Skipton Street, Redan
COVID-19 testing is bulk billed/free of charge
For more information and hours of operation, please click here.
Please check this webpage regularly for changes, and in the first instance please call the UFS Respiratory Clinic (see details above).
Other Victorian Testing sites
Click here for testing clinics across Victoria
The Call to Test Service is available to people who are 5 years of age or older and have symptoms of COVID-19 but are unable to leave their home. All callers are screened for eligibility.
To access this service
Call the COVID-19 hotline: 1800 675 398 and select option 9.
Click here for more information on the Call to Test Service, including eligibility requirements.
For the most up to date information on testing locations please click here
College Information & Events
01 September
Are you having a clean up at home? Over this remote learning period, if you are having a clean out and come across a DC netball dress, football jumper or basketball singlet (or multiples of), can I please ask that they are set aside and returned to the JSC office once students are back on campus?
College Information & Events
01 September
The following Damascus College Scholarships are now open. Students can download and complete the relevant Scholarship cover sheet at https://www.damascus.vic.edu.au/enrolment/scholarships and email it with their application to principal@damascus.vic.edu.au
Damascus College Internal Scholarship (Year 8 - 12 in 2022)
One in each category of Academic, Sport and the Arts. The eligible candidate is selected from students moving into Years 8 to 12.
Value: $2,000 towards the fees for the following year.
• outstanding academic achievement
• participation in a range of extracurricular activities offered by the College
• active support of the College Vision
• outstanding sporting achievement including participation in College sport teams
• participation in sport at State, National or International level
• active support of the College vision
The Arts:
• outstanding Art performance achievement
• participation in either Visual or Performing Arts extracurricular activities
• participation in local or state Art festivals
• active support of the College vision
Damascus College Scholarship application
Dorothy Griffin Scholarship (Year 10 in 2021)
Contributed by the Institute of Sisters of Mercy of Australia and Papua New Guinea for one male and one female moving into Year 11.
Value: $2,000 awarded to the successful students.
• all round academic endeavour and excellence
• participation in a range of extracurricular activities offered by the College
• active support of the College vision
Sisters of Mercy Dorothy Griffin Scholarship application
Dorothy Irene Ellis-Thomas Scholarship (Year 12 in 2021)
Contributed by the Dorothy Irene Ellis-Thomas Foundation to one male and one female completing his or her VCE or equivalent who is entering or pursuing a course at a University or other tertiary education institution.
Value: $2,000 each.
• all round academic endeavour and excellence
• participation in a range of extracurricular activities offered by the College
• active support of the College vision
Dorothy Irene Ellis Thomas Scholarship
Diocese of Ballarat Scholarship (Year 10 in 2021)
Contributed by the Ballarat Diocesan Finance /Council, this scholarship is awarded to one Year 10 student that is moving in to Year 11.
The successful recipient will have demonstrated leadership potential and student advocacy, community involvement characterised by actions for
justice and a consistent academic application reflective of a commitment to study.
Value: $1,000
• leadership potential and student advocacy
• community involvement characterised by actions for justice
• consistent academic application reflective of commitment to study
Diocese of Ballarat Scholarship
Applications Close: Friday 10th September 2021
College Information & Events
01 September
2021 marks the 140 year anniversary of Damascus College, and we are proud to celebrate this milestone throughout this year. As part of our celebrations notable members of our College community have been asked to provide a reflection that shares some of their personal experience with Damascus.
Veronica Lawson RSM, is a past student, teacher and College leader.
She was kind enough to meet with us to share some of her fondest memories from her long and varied association with Damascus College.
Veronica was a student and boarder at Sacred Heart College in the 1950’s. She was a teacher and later the principal of St Martin’s in the Pines. She has also served as the co-governor of Damascus College.
Thank you Sr Veronica for sharing some of your Damascus journey with us.
College Information & Events
01 September
The Social Justice Statement, The Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor, has been released before the beginning of the Season of Creation (September 1-October 4, Feast of Francis of Assisi).
You may like to join with Christians of all denominations all over the world in celebrating the Season of Creation. The theme for 2021 is "A Home for All: Renewing the Oikos of God". The logo is "Abraham's Tent". Veronica Lawson RSM, former principal and governor of the College, suggests we change make our logo "Sarah and Abraham's Tent", especially in view of the unspeakable suffering of the people of Afghanistan where all are at risk while women and girls are at particular risk.
As Most Rev Vincent Long Van Nguyen says, ““Our challenge is to accompany people from the margins into a journey towards the fullness of life and love. We are meant to be in the coalface, in the messiness of it all and at the same time in fidelity to the Gospel… Like Christ in his ministry among the sick and the lost, we are called to meet God in the most unlikely people and places. We, too, must be in that frontier space. “
There will be daily reminders in the student bulletin, and we are looking to run a photo wall of student's environmental photography and prayers.
We would also welcome sharing from families, parents and grandparents, and friends, about the environment. Images, prayers, and stories would all be welcome. These may be shared on our Seasons of Creation Wall
Upload your contribution by clicking on the link below:-
The Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor statement is available here
Community Involvement
18 August
Our Diocesan Community newsletter is no longer being printed. Therefore they will provide an online link for us to share with our community.
Please find the link here to view the online version.
Steven is an innovative and passionate leader and his leadership style is one that is highly relational and visible. His personal educational vision is to work in relationship and in partnership with all members of the community to create a faith learning dynamic that celebrates, affirms, and challenges people to achieve personal excellence.
Damascus College wishes to thank Mr Christopher Grant, Interim Principal for the leadership he has given to the College, since the departure of Mr Matthew Byrne at the end of Term 1 2022.
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