Damascus News - Term 2 Week 1
From the Principal
27 April By Mr. Christopher Grant, Interim Principal
Welcome back to Term 2. I hope the Easter break, along with our ANZAC day holiday on Monday, provided some much needed time to rest and re-energise for the busy term ahead.
We have a small number of staff starting with us this term, and I warmly welcome Holly De Jong teaching Music, Krista Navarro teaching French, Carli Lewicki teaching English and Jasmina Kirkham as our new Youth Ministry Officer. We also welcome Sally Balson and Neale Thompson back from leave.
The Victorian Government announced at the end of last term that it is extending the rapid antigen test (RAT) screening program for the first four weeks of Term 2. Earlier this week in TA, students were provided with their first two week supply. The screening recommendations will remain, advising that students should test at home twice per week before arriving at school.
Furthermore, there are a small number of changes that directly affect students, families and staff;
Families will continue receiving daily email notifications from the College regarding positive cases in year levels. I direct your attention to our Term 2 family COVID update that was sent out yesterday for further details which is below:-
Principal Communication 260422
If you are an existing family that has received an offer for an enrolment place for Year 7 for 2023, I remind you that the final day for acceptance is this Friday, 29th April.
Can I please remind families that our Mobile phone policy changes have now begun. Mobile phones brought to school must be switched off and stored securely in your lockers without use during the entire school day.
Our collective aim in enacting this policy is to provide;
Students are required to be in full Winter uniform on Monday, 9th May – this means long pants, Winter skirts and tights and track pants with the PE uniform. It is not uncommon for students to have grown, which requires skirts and pants to be let down. Skirts should be knee-length. Following up on uniform infringements takes valuable school resources away from the core business of learning and teaching and creates awkward and unnecessary conversations with students and families. Please ensure all students come to school each day in the correct school uniform.
Parents may also be pressured to purchase a rain jacket. This uniform item was introduced to cover the expensive blazer as students walk to and from school or as they wait at rural bus stops. Students are allowed to wear the rain jacket in terms 2 and 3 at lunchtime and recess while outside as another layer and to encourage student activity. The rain jacket is not to be worn in class. It does remain an optional item of uniform.
If you have a student in Year 10 who has Work Experience coming up and the paperwork has not been returned to the College, could you please attend to this as a matter of urgency. For any student who has not yet secured a place, there will be an expectation of attendance at school for the entire week to undertake virtual Work Experience opportunities. However, the preference is for all students to source and complete a work placement.
Tomorrow (Thursday), we will move to the Llanberris Reserve for our Athletics carnival. The athletics carnival is a great opportunity for our young people to team together in their Houses to compete. As with any school day, this is a compulsory school day for all students. There are a broad range of events to engage students of different abilities. Please make sure students have suitable sun protection and food and water for the day. In a move back to COVID normal, we look forward to welcoming our families to the carnival as spectators.
Next Friday evening, 6th May, the Senior School formal will take place from 7:00pm to 10:30pm. This is a social opportunity that Damascus College facilitates for our community's Year 11 and 12 students. It has always been a very positive event on our calendar, but it is important that I reiterate that normal school rules apply. It is an alcohol, drug and smoke-free event; any student suspected of having consumed alcohol will not be let in. There are no pass-outs through the evening. Year 12 students are permitted to bring a guest on the condition that they arrive with the Damascus College student and that the guest abides by Damascus College rules. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the evening, please contact your House Leader. It is a social activity, and hair and make-up appointments are not more important than school on Friday. Any student who is away on Friday will not be able to attend the formal. I must reinforce my encouragement that parents support one another by not condoning after parties. If you say no to requests from your child, you're actually supporting other Damascus parents who are going to receive the same pressure from their student. Students are encouraged to bring a plate of food to share.
We keep in our thoughts Tyson Aslanidis (McAuley 15, Year 10) and his family on the passing of his Grandmother during the holidays and also Matthew Hanrahan (St Martin 10, Year 10) and his family on the passing of his Grandfather last week. May they rest in peace.
Welcome back to Term 2 until next week …
College Information & Events
27 April
On Thursday 7 April the College gathered for the first time in a long time, as a whole school assembly, to celebrate Easter and to farewell staff that are departing Damascus.
The assembly began with a liturgy to remember Holy Week. Holy Week recounts the final days of Jesus’ life including his death, burial, and resurrection. On Easter Sunday we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus who gives us new life and hope and leads us to transformation. The glory of the resurrection has loosened the bonds of sin and freed us from the clutches of the living death that it brings. Easter Sunday is our most holy day of the year. The sun has risen to extinguish the darkness of night. The new life of Easter gives us joy and hope that the darkness will be extinguished in our own lives.
Speeches from the College Captains and Interim Principal Chris Grant farewelled Principal Mr Matthew Byrne, after 13 years of principalship. It was heart-warming to hear of the memories and gratitude shown by the students for the considerable contribution Matt has made to their lives.
The College wishes all staff departing Damascus the best of luck and a sincere thank-you to Matt Byrne for all that he has been, and all that he is to the Damascus community.
Thank you to all the students who participated in the liturgy and helped to bring the messages of love and hope to the rest of the College community.
Student Achievement
27 April
On Wednesday 6 April the Damascus College senior debating team competed against Assumption College, Kilmore.
The topic was: That only Australian citizens and permanent residents should be able to own property in Australia.
It was a tight battle, but we are pleased to advise that Damascus came away with the win. Well done to Year 10 student Emmerson McHenry and Year 11 students Willow Eden, Audrey Merlin.
College Information & Events
27 April
Student Achievement
27 April
Recently the Damascus College Rowing program competed at the Australian Rowing Championships! It was the first time Damascus College was represented at the regatta in several years. All 3 Damascus crews performed brilliantly with Daisy placing 10th in Australia in Schoolgirl Single Sculls and the Senior Boys Coxed Four placing 11th in Schoolboy Coxed Four. Additionally, we had several students compete for our host club – Wendouree-Ballarat RC. These students competed in the U17 / U19 Rowing Championships earlier in the week.
Well done to all who competed, you have done yourselves and your school proud!
Students who competed were:
Daisy Simpson-Kerr
Alex Western
Josh Matheson
Rohan Shillito
Cooper Reid
Maddie Milikins
Charley Gartlan
Tara Orchard
Nyah Madigan
Lilli Leonard
Sienna Linayao
Jovie Skewes-Clinton
Flynn Rivett
27 April
On Wednesday 6 April, three of the Year 10 SRC members Paris Govan, Zoe Kierce and Lucas Wells travelled to Melbourne with the Legacy Club of Ballarat and representatives from other Ballarat secondary schools to attend Melbourne Legacy's 90th ANZAC Commemoration Ceremony for Students. Held at the Shrine of Remembrance, the service began at 11:00 am, and featured a speech from the Governor of Victoria, Linda Dessau. The students laid a wreath at the base of the eternal flame. Following the service, the students entered the Shrine, and explored the galleries. Highlights from the museum include, displays on Japan's involvement in WW2, exhibits of past military outfits, and interactive screens to search for past service people.
On Monday 25th April Damascus students Lewis Clark and Laura Lee payed their respects and represented the College at the Anzac Day ceremony, following the Anzac Day March on Sturt Street, Ballarat. At the Buninyong RSL event Damascus College Representatives were Tiana Parry, Brady Lucas and Shannon Craggill. Wreaths were laid at both venues.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
Lest we forget.
Student Achievement
27 April
The term one year 9 Religious Education Unit is titled “Hope.”
Through the study of this topic the following achievement standards are addressed.
To show a satisfactory understandings of the concepts within this units students are required to
The Assessment task for this unit the students had to research two pieces of “Resurrection Art”, identify and explain the symbolism and the religious themes within the piece of art work. Students also had to try and analyse what they believe to be the “Message of Hope’ the artist is trying to express within the piece of art.
Attached below is a copy of work completed by Year 9 students Suraya Lewis and Laura Stone.
Comparison of Resurrection Art Work Laura Stone
Comparison of Resurrection Art Work SURAYA
College Information & Events
27 April
It was a special occasion to recently celebrate the Damascus College 140 year anniversary on Saturday 26 March, with the wider community at the Gala, held at the Damascus Events Centre.
This is a special video compilation showcasing the highlights of this milestone event.
Damascus wishes to thank the numerous guests that attended the Gala, and the students and staff that enabled the celebration to occur, it was a night to remember, etched in the Damascus history books.
Student Achievement
27 April
Congratulations to Year 9 student Casey Howlett as she recently competed in her first-ever dance competition, at the Melbourne Capital Dance Challenge, where she competed in street tap. Casey achieved a high score at the event, which has given her the drive and determination to enhance her love and skill for tap dancing. Well done Casey.
Community Involvement
27 April
Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) is conducting an urgent appeal to support the Church in Ukraine.
An initial package of $2 million was sent in the days following the invasion and we are appealing to the Catholic people to further assist.
The financial aid so far has been distributed to both the Eastern and Western Catholic Churches, to religious orders and social projects run by priests and religious all over the country. Focus has been on the East, where fighting has been most serious, but also in parts of the West that are dealing with an influx of refugees fleeing the combat zone. In the capital city of Kiev, which has been under bombardment, the Church is also receiving financial support to help those most at need.
In a recent interview, Bishop Stanislav Szyrokoradiuk of Odessa in Southern Ukraine, stated, "I am very grateful for all the political support and solidarity. I would especially like to thank Aid to the Church in Need. It was the first organisation which asked me: 'What should we do? How can we help?' Thank you for this readiness to help."
ACN has been working to keep the faith alive in Ukraine since the 1950s and we do not intend to stop now.
To make a donation please click on the link below to download the donation form:-
College Information & Events
27 April
Community Involvement
27 April
The Ballarat Football Umpires Association (BFUA) requires boundary umpires due to a shortage for season 2022. At this stage we may be unable to cover all games based on our current numbers so your help would be appreciated.
The BFUA will provide the following to all new recruits:
· Coaching and accreditation during the season
· Official uniform
· Payment ranges from $40 - $90 per game.
If this interests you we would like to hear from you. Contact Billy Mitchell on 0400 477 251 or email ballaratumps@gmail.com to express your interest.
Steven is an innovative and passionate leader and his leadership style is one that is highly relational and visible. His personal educational vision is to work in relationship and in partnership with all members of the community to create a faith learning dynamic that celebrates, affirms, and challenges people to achieve personal excellence.
Damascus College wishes to thank Mr Christopher Grant, Interim Principal for the leadership he has given to the College, since the departure of Mr Matthew Byrne at the end of Term 1 2022.
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