From the Principal

Principal's Update

Welcome back to Term 2. I hope the Easter break, along with our ANZAC day holiday on Monday, provided some much needed time to rest and re-energise for the busy term ahead. We ha...

College Information & Events

Easter Liturgy & Staff Farewell

On Thursday 7 April the College gathered for the first time in a long time, as a whole school assembly, to celebrate Easter and to farewell staff that are departing Damascus. Th...

Student Achievement

Debating Success

On Wednesday 6 April the Damascus College senior debating team competed against Assumption College, Kilmore. The topic was: That only Australian citizens and permanent residents s...

College Information & Events

Year 9 STEAM Expo

Please see the information following on how you can assist in the upcoming 2022 Damascus College Year 9 STEAM Expo.

Student Achievement

Australian Rowing Championships

Recently the Damascus College Rowing program competed at the Australian Rowing Championships! It was the first time Damascus College was represented at the regatta in several years...

ANZAC Day Commemorations 2022

On Wednesday 6 April, three of the Year 10 SRC members Paris Govan, Zoe Kierce and Lucas Wells travelled to Melbourne with the Legacy Club of Ballarat and representatives from othe...

Student Achievement

Resurrection Art Assessment Task

The term one year 9 Religious Education Unit is titled “Hope.” Through the study of this topic the following achievement standards are addressed. To show a satisfactory understan...

College Information & Events

140 Year Anniversary Gala - Highlights Video

It was a special occasion to recently celebrate the Damascus College 140 year anniversary on Saturday 26 March, with the wider community at the Gala, held at the Damascus Events Ce...

Student Achievement

Dance Competition

Congratulations to Year 9 student Casey Howlett as she recently competed in her first-ever dance competition, at the Melbourne Capital Dance Challenge, where she competed in street...

Community Involvement

Emergency Appeal for Ukraine

Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) is conducting an urgent appeal to support the Church in Ukraine. An initial package of $2 million was sent in the days following the invasion and ...

College Information & Events

Victorian Government Parenting Program

Please see following information for Parents and Guardians in relation to the Victorian Government Positive Parenting Program:-

Community Involvement

Ballarat Football Umpires Association Needs You

The Ballarat Football Umpires Association (BFUA) requires boundary umpires due to a shortage for season 2022. At this stage we may be unable to cover all games based on our current...