Final Damascus News for 2023 - Issue 20
From the Principal
The past fortnight has been one of celebrations, achievements and announcements. Our staff and students have been bustling around campus creating a buzzing sense of excitement, ent...
From the Deputy Principal
As we move through Early Start, we take this time to commend our students and staff on their learning and teaching endeavours as they commence this new program of work. Starting ...
From Assistant Principals
Last week, under the guidance of Jayde Tangey, Hannah Keating and Steph Macdonald, over 40 Year 10 students completed their peer support training. This two day course is aimed at p...
From Assistant Principals
Endings and Beginnings It was wonderful farewelling our 2023 Year 12 graduates at St Parick’s Cathedral last week. We thank Father Eugene McKinnon for presiding at a beautiful Mas...
From Assistant Principals
We had an excellent kickoff to our Early Start week activities allowing students, families, and staff to start the pre 2024 year off right. I wanted to provide some more details ar...
Student Achievement
Recently the SRT Team had amazing success at the Marybourough SRT Event. Both Alan Strange and Rach Mroczkowski (Co-Leaders for the last 5 years) agreed that this event was the b...
College Information & Events
Wednesday 15 November marked the conclusion of this year’s exams for Year 12 students, with French and Indonesian completing the timetable. Here is a pic of these French and Indone...
Student Achievement
Congratulations to Year 9 student Quinn Moore, as she recently competed in the third and final round of the ‘Joyride Rookie Cup’, at Narbethong, which is the State Junior Downhill ...
Student Achievement
Congratulations to Year 11 students Cody Powers and Jock Mauriks who have been competing together in a team event in a regional enduro motorbike competition - the Stampede Pony Exp...
College Information & Events
Last night Damascus Year 12 families and staff celebrated a beautiful Mass with Father Eugene McKinnon at St Patrick’s Cathedral in recognition of the 2023 Year 12 Graduates. It ...
Student Achievement
Year 12 student Kaitlyn Handreck recently completed the Deakin University Accelerate Program, where she studied two accounting units (receiving High Distinctions), that will count ...
College Information & Events
Damascus College Rowing This past weekend the Senior Boys and Girls competed in the Melbourne Head Regatta and the Junior Girls competed at the RV Schoolgirls Loreto Regatta, it w...
Student Achievement
On Thursday staff and students were invited to the annual VCE VM Expo. The Year 11 VCE VM students proudly guided guests throughout the expo showcasing some of the work they have a...
Student Achievement
Within Performing Arts at Damascus it is in the environment of live theatre that the young performer is ultimately tested and rewarded. It is the beginning or the extension of pe...
College Information & Events
Ballarat Community Notices
Please see following information on a Call for Help Workshop: -
From the Principal
28 November By Steven Mifsud, Principal
The past fortnight has been one of celebrations, achievements and announcements. Our staff and students have been bustling around campus creating a buzzing sense of excitement, enthusiastically preparing for their upcoming events.
Last Monday evening we celebrated the successes of our Year 12 graduands through Eucharist at our magnificent St. Patrick’s Cathedral, followed by a dinner at the Mecure. I was in awe of these auspicious and extraordinary young adults and will feel an immense sense of pride as we witness their future successes.
Last Wednesday our VCE students sat their final exam as students across all year levels also participated in theirs. This can be an emotionally turbulent time for some students and I applaud each and every young person who showed the tenacity and aptitude to be present and prevail.
Over the weekend our Sustainable Racing Team embarked on an Energy Breakthough, 24 hour event. The team pushed speed limits to a new level as they participated against other students in events designed to showcase the ingenuity of their purpose designed energy efficient vehicle. The team’s hard work paid off as they walked away with second place in their class for the 24 hour event and team Kowalski walked away with a first place in their Hybrid EEV category. Go team DMac, this is a well deserved outcome for our team of committed and passionate students.
On Monday evening I enjoyed a picnic on campus followed by a collection of dazzling performances by our music students in the inaugural Damascus Christmas concert. The audience sat engrossed through the rhythmic sounds of the African drum ensemble to the dulcet tones of both the junior and senior choir. It was a fabulous experience to sit, as part of the audience, as we joined in on several of the numbers – not quite so expertly as our students I might say!
Tuesday saw our new cohort of Year 7 students arrive in a flurry of excitement and nervous giggles for orientation. We have introduced a new stream of Year 7 students for 2024, taking the class count from eight to nine. This has introduced some timetabling challenges however is the first step in growing our college and meeting the needs of the rapidly expanding community. I look forward to seeing so many fresh faces join us next year and to watching them grow and realise their full potential as they strive towards becoming the graduating class of 2029.
As you have heard, we announced that Damascus College have accepted an opportunity to occupy the facilities of St. Brendan’s Primary School in Dunnstown. The facilities are in excellent condition and include four classrooms, a small oval and asphalt courts. In addition, a small church, of the Bungaree parish is located on the site and will generously be made available for use by us. Our staff are busily conceptualising innovative ways we can utilise this space throughout the year and I certainly welcome any suggestions from our broader community. We look forward to working with the Dunnstown community and Bungaree parish as we explore the potential of this new chapter at Damascus College.
I sincerely thank the staff, students, families and volunteers who have worked to assist in bringing these events to fruition at an already hectic time of year.
With every blessing
From the Deputy Principal
28 November By Chris Grant, Deputy Principal
As we move through Early Start, we take this time to commend our students and staff on their learning and teaching endeavours as they commence this new program of work.
Starting a new learning program at this time of year is a genuine challenge, but one that all members of our community have been up for, and it positions us positively for 2024. I acknowledge that for families, young people may be unsettled by change, but please continue to talk to your young person about how learning should continually extend them and that sometimes this feels uncomfortable until you become familiar with the change. The intended benefits of the Early Start program are:
Over recent years, we have also found that an unintended bonus has been that students enter into their Summer holiday with reduced anxiety about the next calendar year at school. Students report that they appreciate having an awareness of their class context, teachers and peer relationships before the end of the year. This appears to be a really significant factor in student retention from one year to the next. We are at the midpoint of the Early Start cycle, and students will complete classes until next Tuesday.
Additionally on Tuesday next week, we will conduct a casual clothes day, raising funds for Vinnies Christmas Appeal. This year the funds raised by the College will go towards vouchers from local food providers to enable vulnerable families to enjoy Christmas lunch together. We have had a great response from students to our Catholic Missions fundraiser, and we hope that we are able to provide support for Vinnies to help those in need again next week.
Next Wednesday will be our final day for students for 2023. We will conduct our Ball Games in a rotational format, and each year level will have a year level liturgy and assembly through the course of the day in the Damascus Events Centre. Students are encouraged to wear PE uniform on this final day, given the active nature of the activities.
Yesterday we welcomed our newest students to the College, the future class of 2029, for their Orientation day. In our biggest Year 7 enrolment ever, 235 students engaged in taster classes school tours and activities, and were supported by staff to experience life in secondary school. It is always a great day as you welcome new members to the community.
The Damascus College office will close at 4pm on Monday December 18th and reopen at 9am on Monday January 15th.
Education staff will return on Monday 29th January, 2024 with TA interviews to be conducted onsite on Tuesday 30th January (8.30am to 4.30pm), and the afternoon of Wednesday 31st January (3.30pm to 5.45pm). Years 7 and 12 will return to to classes on Wednesday January 31 and years 8 through 11 will return Thursday February 1.
A number of Damascus students have secured apprenticeships or further training, some are pursuing passions in the area of their respective gifts, and some Damascus families are relocating. To those leaving us for different educational pathways or employment, we congratulate you on your courage and thank you for being a part of the Damascus journey. To those families who we farewell with students finishing up or relocating, thank you for choosing Damascus and best wishes in life beyond the road to Damascus.
From Assistant Principals
28 November By Andrew Robertson, Assistant Principal - Student Wellbeing
Last week, under the guidance of Jayde Tangey, Hannah Keating and Steph Macdonald, over 40 Year 10 students completed their peer support training. This two day course is aimed at preparing a group of students assist the 2024 Year 7 students into their transition to Damascus College.
At Damascus College we understand that the transition to secondary school can create a mixture of feelings and raise many questions from Year 7 students. We believe there is no better way to ease these emotions and answer those questions than to hear from and meet with Year 10 students who have successfully undertaken the journey Year 7 students are about to commence on.
The Peer Support Program is designed to develop physical, social and mental wellbeing. A small group of Year 7 students are paired with two or three Year 10 students who are selected as Peer Support Leaders. They will commence their role in supporting Year 7 students at Orientation day.
On a regular basis throughout Term 1, Peer Support Leaders meet with their group of Year 7 students. The Peer Support Leaders provide activities and facilitate discussions that assist Year 7 students to develop skills that will provide a smooth transition and promote success throughout secondary school. Throughout the program Year 7 students are supported in the areas of responsible social media use, positive and respectful relationships, school engagement and general school concerns that students might have.
The Peer Support Program creates a safer and happier school environment where our Year 7 students are made to feel welcome in our Damascus College from day one. I thank our Year 10 students for giving up a pupil free day to take up the training and for Jayde, Hannah and Steph in engaging them in a dynamic and professional training program.
From Assistant Principals
28 November By Sharon Lehtonen, Assistant Principal - Catholic School Culture
Endings and Beginnings
It was wonderful farewelling our 2023 Year 12 graduates at St Parick’s Cathedral last week. We thank Father Eugene McKinnon for presiding at a beautiful Mass in recognition of the class of 2023. The Eucharistic celebration included reflections and prayers of thanksgiving for the last 13 years of school and for the learning and wisdom that has shaped them into the wonderful young adults they have become.
Now we move into a new learning space with Early Start for our current students and Orientation for the 2024 Year 7 students. So the journey begins for new and exciting opportunities that lay ahead. Whilst this is the case, for some of our students change can come with some reluctance and even anxiety. This brought to mind a beautiful reflection from author Trinidad Hunt that aligns with the Damascus Strategic Plan and the Be My Best motto.
I share theses words of wisdom as we move into a new year of learning, even though the busy-ness and time of year suggests that we might all feel like it’s time for a rest.
The Difference Between Mediocrity and Brilliance
For many years I have wondered about
The difference between the mediocre
player and the Olympiad.
First, I thought it was love of the game.
Then I thought it was discipline. Then I
thought it was intention. Then I thought
it must be passion. Then I understood it
to be persistence. Then I thought it must
be optimism. Then I thought that it was
endurance. Then I thought it was vision.
Then I considered that it might be focus.
Then I believed it was tenacity. Then I was
sure it was dedication and commitment.
Then I realized one day that it was all
of these and one thing more.
The defining moment between mediocrity
and brilliance is the moment when you’re
not in the mood. The defining moment is what
each player does on the day when he or she
doesn’t feel like going to practice, while the
true Olympiad gets up, isn’t in the mood,
and goes to practice anyway.
So, if you want to be the best that you can
Be get up every day and go to the metaphoric
playing field of life. Then give it your all. In
spite of the fears or challenges, give it all
you have, and you too will be a winner.
From Assistant Principals
28 November By Ashwin Pillai, Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching
We had an excellent kickoff to our Early Start week activities allowing students, families, and staff to start the pre 2024 year off right. I wanted to provide some more details around these valuable transitional events.
Our Year 7 Orientation day on Tuesday was a special experience welcoming the graduating class of 2023 to our Damascus community. It was such a pleasure to meet over 230 incoming students and their families as they begin their secondary school journey. The day provided the opportunity for Year 7 students to meet their new Teacher Advisors who will mentor them throughout their entire five years at the College. Students also got acquainted with their Year 7 Level Coordinators, SRC and Peer Mentors, who will support their year cohort specifically. In addition to forming these crucial connections, the Year 7s got to dive into some introductory sessions across a variety of subjects, including English, Maths, Science, Humanities, Health & PE, and Arts & Technology. Getting exposure to secondary-level content and expectations across the curriculum helped ease the transition out of primary school. Based on the engagement and smiles we saw, the incoming Year 7s are in for a fantastic 2024!
While the Year 7s oriented to secondary school life, all Damascus students utilised Early Start week from Years 8-12 to meet their new teachers for 2024. Having this dedicated time to meet their teacher, ask questions, understand expectations, and set individual academic goals kickstarted a strong teacher-student partnerships in all subject areas. Some students even utilised Early Start week as an opportunity to make any needed adjustments to their subject elective choices for the 2024 year.
As we look ahead at 2024, there are a few important housekeeping items for families. Booklists are now available as of Wednesday 29 November outlining all required texts, materials, and online resource subscriptions needed for the year. Families have until the first week of January to source and purchase these items through Campion. I encourage ordering early to ensure availability of all items. Please note that senior students have some specific digital resources like Edrolo that require purchase by following special instructions that were mailed home.
In academics, many students completed initial benchmark testing like PAT assessments during Early Start week. Teachers will analyse these baseline literacy and numeracy results to then provide differentiated instruction and support aligned to each student’s unique needs. Additional make-up PAT testing will continue this week for any students who may have missed the initial testing period.
In closing, Early Start week was a fantastic springboard into what will be an incredible 2024 school year. Thank you for your partnership as we work together to support the students of Damascus College in being their best. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions you may have now or through the school year.
Student Achievement
28 November
Recently the SRT Team had amazing success at the Marybourough SRT Event.
Both Alan Strange and Rach Mroczkowski (Co-Leaders for the last 5 years) agreed that this event was the best one yet...but why?
While all the above was central to the whole weekend, it was the way the students stepped up and basically ran the show that was so unexpected and gratifying. From organising their own rider rosters, making decisions on the fly regarding race strategy, managing battery charging, setting up and running the pits and being up and ready to ride in the wee small hours in cold and wet conditions, we agreed that this was an outstanding display of developing maturity and leadership.
Before the event, captains were chosen and the level of responsibility they carried was increased. They were Ted Sculley, Matthew Hanrahan and Lucas Wells and they all performed admirably. At one point we agreed that we both felt a bit superfluous to the operation, such was the level of competency on display.
Damascus, you can be very proud of the SRT students. They have contributed thousands of cumulative hours beyond school time in the months leading up to Maryborough. Be it many Saturday workshops, or physical training sessions, or time spent preparing for the display and design assessments that are part of the Energy Breakthrough educational aspect, they turned up, worked hard, and had fun in the process. Spanning all year levels, they are living proof of the power of community and what can be achieved when we “work together co-operatively and creatively” (that’s a part of the SRT mission statement.)
If anyone has doubts about the young people of today, then spend some time with us at the SRT workshop or a weekend with the Damascus team at the Maryborough Energy Breakthrough... it will change your mind and give you hope for the future.
Special thanks to:
Ted Sculley |
Lucas Wells |
Izzy Fensling |
Sebastian Erwin |
Lachie Reus |
Jameson Reus |
Bailey Fuhrmeister |
Mitch Fuhrmeister |
Eli Prebble |
Alex Fitzpatrick |
Mitch Kierce |
Ryder Macklin |
Harry Elliott |
Ronan Sugars |
Rowan Goon |
Corben Boehm |
Oscar Howlett |
Tom McDonald |
Matt Hanrahan |
Luke Jans |
Harrison Kennett |
Campbell White |
College Information & Events
28 November
Wednesday 15 November marked the conclusion of this year’s exams for Year 12 students, with French and Indonesian completing the timetable. Here is a pic of these French and Indonesian students excited to have finished their last exam.
All Damascus Year 12 students have been remarkable young people who have worked tirelessly to reach this end point in their educational journey.
The community is extremely proud of all they have contributed to the College, and we now look forward to celebrating and acknowledging their secondary schooling with a Graduation Mass and dinner next Monday evening.
This video taken at the Year 12 final day, shows the Damascus pride alive and well within our amazing young people.
Student Achievement
28 November
Congratulations to Year 9 student Quinn Moore, as she recently competed in the third and final round of the ‘Joyride Rookie Cup’, at Narbethong, which is the State Junior Downhill Mountain bike series.
Quinn won the first two rounds at Ballarat and Shepparton, then came into round three with an injury, but still managed 2nd place, and took the overall series convincingly in the U17 Female category against a stacked field.
She also claimed the U17 win at the recent Victorian Gravity Enduro Championship in Mansfield.
The regular Victorian Downhill Series has just kicked off, which is a six-round series at different venues around the state. She missed the first round due to injury but will be fired up for round two at Bairnsdale on 2/3rd December.
Quinn will also be competing in the National Downhill Series around the country in the coming months, and the National Championships in Queensland early next year.
Quinn, you are achieving great things in an adrenaline-charged sport, good luck with the nationals, stay safe, and keep following your dreams!
Student Achievement
28 November
Congratulations to Year 11 students Cody Powers and Jock Mauriks who have been competing together in a team event in a regional enduro motorbike competition - the Stampede Pony Express Series.
They participated in three separate events, at three different tracks and placed 3rd in their final race and have taken out 1st place overall for the series, in their class.
Year 10 student Brody Quick and his father also competed in the Parent & Child category, and took out first place overall for the series, in their class.
Well done to Cody, Jock and Brody.
College Information & Events
28 November
Last night Damascus Year 12 families and staff celebrated a beautiful Mass with Father Eugene McKinnon at St Patrick’s Cathedral in recognition of the 2023 Year 12 Graduates.
It was a time to reflect on 13 years of schooling, where the graduates processed in, each with a candle as a symbol of their light shining brightly in the world.
A beautiful Eucharist included reflections and prayers of thanksgiving for the last 13 years of school, and for the learning and wisdom that has shaped them into the wonderful young adults they have become.
We wish them well. They will always remain a cherished part of the Damascus community.
Student Achievement
28 November
Year 12 student Kaitlyn Handreck recently completed the Deakin University Accelerate Program, where she studied two accounting units (receiving High Distinctions), that will count towards a degree.
Next year, Kaitlyn hopes to study a Bachelor of Commerce, majoring in Accounting and minoring in International Business, Project Management and Economics.
Her ultimate goal is to become the Treasurer of Australia, but otherwise she can't wait to become a CPA Accredited Accountant.
"The Deakin Uni Accelerate Program is an amazing opportunity, and I would encourage other students to do this program too," said Kaitlyn.
College Information & Events
28 November
Damascus College Rowing
This past weekend the Senior Boys and Girls competed in the Melbourne Head Regatta and the Junior Girls competed at the RV Schoolgirls Loreto Regatta, it was a beautiful sunny day with perfect water for the Damascus College Rowers to strut their stuff!
The Senior crews smashed out their 3.5 km time trial races, most rowers doing two races and overall rowing more then 15km (if you include the row to the start line). The senior boys did a great job in both their quad scull and sweep four races, coming 14th in the quad scull race and coming a solid 5th position in the sweep four. The senior girls did an exceptional job in both division 1 and 2, the division 2 girls coming 7th in their quad scull race and 6th in their sweep four race. Our division 1 girls did an astonishing job, coming 12th in their quad scull race and 5th in the sweep four. It was an overall great day out with plenty of laughs and memorable moments coming from the day.
The Junior girls had their first ever regatta on Saturday down at the Barwon River in Geelong with it being an all-round great first experience of what to expect for the upcoming season and on how regattas work. The girls all had heaps of fun and had plenty of good laughs and memories that came from the regatta.
All junior crews did an amazing job with our division 1,2,3 and 4 girls all coming 3rd in their heats! Then in their finals, division 1 and 3 placed first and division 2 and 4 coming second. A big highlight od the day was the division 1 crew placing the second fastest time of the day for all the Year 8 girls crews! Overall, the Junior Girls Squad did a spectacular job on completing their first regatta with many to come and we as a Damascus community are immensely proud of all their hard work.
It's great to see that all the hard work that everyone is doing is paying off with some good results from the weekend! Go DC!!!
Charley Gartlan & Hunter Bennett
Rowing Captains
Student Achievement
28 November
On Thursday staff and students were invited to the annual VCE VM Expo. The Year 11 VCE VM students proudly guided guests throughout the expo showcasing some of the work they have achieved in each subject for the year, along with bringing awareness to VCE VM and the vast opportunities and pathways it brings.
Well done on holding another great expo!
Student Achievement
28 November
Within Performing Arts at Damascus it is in the environment of live theatre that the young performer is ultimately tested and rewarded. It is the beginning or the extension of performer confidence and experience. It is for that reason that is why events like this weeks drama showcase are so important.
The College’s regular program of showcases serve the specific
purpose of publicly recognizing and applauding the achievements of students
within the department. We believe that this kind of event is different from a
School Production in that it provides greater opportunity to display a wide
range of students and their talents. The work within last nights public
presentation was only just recently assessed as Semester two performance tasks
set within the classroom. On viewing these we felt that some of these pieces
showed great potential and deserved a wider viewing than simply their
classmates. On display was a range of scripted pieces from year 9 students a
year 10 ensemble performance based on the effects of climate change and four
original solo performance pieces by year 11, Unit 2 students. The appreciative
audience attending provided these talented students a wonderful opportunity to
gain performance experience and hone their craft.
Well done to all these amazing students.
College Information & Events
28 November
In 2024 Damascus College is excited to continue the provision of Catholic education at the St Brendan’s Primary School site in Dunnstown and looks forward to working with the Parish of Bungaree and the Dunnstown community.
Damascus College Principal, Mr Steven Mifsud said that throughout 2024 the site will be used for a series of learning activities involving all year levels, including Year 7 reflection days, student retreats, staff professional development, exam revision, and lectures. The College will spend the next 12 months designing and planning for an exciting new learning experience for our students, which could possibly be a rural campus where Year 8 or 9 students could go to for a term, for leadership and life skills.
“The St Brendan’s site poses a wonderful opportunity for Damascus to work with our students, staff, and parents, to explore innovative learning experiences for our students, whilst in the interim utilising the site to reimagine year-level retreats and faith formation experiences,” he said.
“The College has committed to explore the opportunities that St Brendan’s offers our community over the next 12 months, before a decision is made on a long-term arrangement and educational opportunities.”
“The site provides an educative, peaceful, and ready-made opportunity that is complimentary to the Damascus bush setting at Mount Clear. The intimate size and location of the property strengthens our inclusive community where every student is named and known, supporting the cognitive, creative, and spiritual development of Damascus students, with access to the Dunnstown church providing a meaningful faith experience, in the Catholic tradition.”
“Damascus College looks forward to working with the Damascus community, the Parish of Bungaree, and the Dunnstown community to build a mutually beneficial partnership that is life-giving and sustainable.”
Executive Director, Diocese of Ballarat Catholic Education Limited, Mr Tom Sexton said that it is wonderful that the Dunnstown site will continue to be used for Catholic education in to the future.
“While the community bids farewell to the St Brendan’s Primary School, let us carry forward its legacy and cherish the values instilled since its establishment in 1859. St. Brendan's has been integral to the Dunnstown community, shaping minds and touching hearts for generations,” he said.
“It is the end of an era, but it also marks the beginning of a new one with Damascus College.”
“I gratefully acknowledge the support from generations of local families and the St Brendan's parish community that have enabled the school to endure and prosper for so many years,” he said.
“Thank you for the spirit of learning, compassion and community which has remained unwavering at St Brendan’s, and for the community’s fierce determination to ensure Catholic education survived in the community for over 160 years, a truly incredible community achievement.”
Thanks to St Brendan's Primary School, Dunnstown for the images.
Ballarat Community Notices
28 November
Steven is an innovative and passionate leader and his leadership style is one that is highly relational and visible. His personal educational vision is to work in relationship and in partnership with all members of the community to create a faith learning dynamic that celebrates, affirms, and challenges people to achieve personal excellence.
Damascus College wishes to thank Mr Christopher Grant, Interim Principal for the leadership he has given to the College, since the departure of Mr Matthew Byrne at the end of Term 1 2022.
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