08 December
Damascus College is excited about the growth and development of two key extra-curricular program areas at the College, these being the Instrumental Music and Voice program and the Damascus Rowing Program. Our Students are expressing strong interest in these areas, which are lead by dedicated staff who create engaging and inspiring learning opportunities and support students in finding their ‘tribe’.
In support of continued growth and program excellence, Damascus College invites applications for the following two vacant positions, from appropriately skilled and experienced candidates with a genuine passion for helping young people achieve.
We are currently seeking interest from experienced Rowers with coaching experience, to support Junior Girls crews over the current rowing season. While these are volunteer positions, there is a nominal payment for training sessions, camps and regattas, plus coverage of program-related out of pocket expenses and registration fees.
Successful applicants will be supported by our Rowing Technical Support personnel, and have responsibility for the technical implementation of training sessions and the provision of supervision and crew support at rowing camps and regattas during January to March 2021.
For those with Teaching and Education support qualifications, options are available for CRT/Casual Learning Support employment.
For enquiries, please contact Paul Blanchfield on p.blanchfield@damascus.vic.edu.au.
To apply, we ask that you complete the Damascus College Volunteer Pre-Registration form https://damascus.passtab.com/volunteer-preregistration. Once registered, you will be contacted with further application and pre-engagement screening information.
Damascus College invites applications from Music Tutors with a genuine passion for Brass and Woodwind Instrumental tutoring, who are happy to work as part of an existing Instrumental Music Program that is developing and strengthening the strong foundations that have been established thus far.
The successful candidate will be engaged across one to two days of teaching each week, during school term. Students in the program are enrolled for half hour lessons during the school day, on a rotational basis each week. The College manages the billing and administration of music tuition fees, whereby families are charged for eight music lessons per term. Our Instrumental Tutors are engaged as Independent Contractors and receive 100% of the billed fees upon presentation of a Tax Invoice, fortnightly or per School Term.
It is preferable that the successful candidate is able to fulfil the following requirements:
This is a contract position for the 2021 School Year, with the possibility for renewal in subsequent years.
Applications close 4.00pm on Monday 11th January 2021
All applications must include a cover letter, an up to date resume and a completed Damascus Application Form.
The full application process and the Application for Employment form are available at Damascus Employment