College Information & Events
04 March
As we settle into the first couple of weeks at Damascus College, we thought it would be a good opportunity to introduce the Student Growth and Engagement Team.
For families with educational concerns about their student, please reach out to your student’s Teacher Advisor. The Teacher Advisor can work with the student to develop strategies to use within the classroom. Where appropriate, students will be referred to the Student Growth and Engagement Team, where diagnostic screening may be conducted. From there, appropriate interventions will be implemented, and if necessary, students will be referred to Catholic Education Ballarat to gain more information on how a student can be appropriately supported in the classroom.
The Student Growth and Engagement team would also recommend ensuring that your child’s vision and hearing is not impeding their ability to learn. If you haven’t had these tested in the last 12 months, we would encourage you to get these tested. There are a number of optometrists in Ballarat who Bulk Bill. You can also book in a low-cost hearing test with an audiologist to ensure your child’s hearing is not impaired. If you obtain a referral from your regular GP, it will be cheaper for you. Should your student be referred to the Student Growth and Engagement team for further testing these reports will be required before we can proceed further.
If your family has received a new diagnosis over the break, kindly contact the respective coordinator to establish a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) for your student. The College is actively addressing social-emotional concerns, such as anxiety. We urge you to initiate this communication promptly for proactive support in your student's education endeavours.
For students previously funded under the NCCD, resources will continue to be allocated under the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). Damascus College will continue to make reasonable adjustments, where needed, to assist students with a disability in accessing and participating in education free from discrimination and on the same basis as other students in line with the Disability Discrimination Act 1992.
The Student Growth and Engagement team looks forward to working with you, your student, teachers and Learning Support Officers (LSOs) to ensure the appropriate supports are in place to assist learning and growth.
If you have any specific questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the relevant Student Growth and Engagement Coordinator or Matthew Hallowell, Student Growth and Engagement Team Leader.
Yours sincerely,
Matthew Hallowell
Student Growth and Engagement Leader