From the Deputy Principal
04 March By Chris Grant, Deputy Principal
Today, Wednesday, 5th of March is Ash Wednesday, and globally, the Catholic community are being marked with ashes from the earth as a sign of humility. Lent is the forty days that commence on Ash Wednesday through to the blessed celebration of Easter, the zenith of belief for Christian people.
Lent is a time of preparation for Easter. We encourage our students to reflect on how they can give Time, Talents or Treasure over this period. Time in prayer or personal reflection about their relationship with God. Talents; the sharing of their personal gifts or talents to benefit others. Finally, Treasure: charity or almsgiving to support those in need. At home, you may like to engage in the conversation about how this Lent as a family, you may be able to give Time, Treasure or Talents.
Damascus College has a wonderful reputation as supporters of social justice. At Damascus College, we look to the period of Lent to support Project Compassion, an annual appeal for Caritas Australia, the Catholic Church’s international aid organisation. The community’s support of Project Compassion throughout Lent has been very generous over recent years, and we hope to continue that in 2025.
Our young Damascus College rowers proudly represented the College in the Head of the Lake Regatta last Tuesday. Students were proud of their efforts as they completed their races, each acknowledging that they had done their best. Rowing Coordinator, Paul Blanchfield, Assistant Rowing Coordinator, Linda Skidmore, College staff member, Claudia Griffin and the exceptional team of Damascus College coaches continue to build on a culture of students doing and being their best. This was very evident on Tuesday. Congratulations to all rowers, coaches, support staff and volunteers for their enormous efforts, not only last week, but for the entire 2024/2025 season to date.
This Saturday, 8th of March is International Women's Day; it's a global day celebrating women's social, economic, cultural, and political achievements. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women's equality. We acknowledge that there is still work to be done in achieving equality and safety for women in our global community. We have been fortunate to have so many women work to progress our community and society, and we acknowledge those who came before us, those amongst us and those in the future. Damascus College will acknowledge International Women’s Day this Thursday, with a breakfast, including guest speakers and a BBQ on Friday.
We extend a prayer of gratitude for all the women in our lives, for their strength, courage and inspiration, and we pray that we can continue to develop as a society with just and safe equality for all.
Monday 17th March is St Patrick’s Day; a day within the Catholic tradition full of fun, friendship and lots of Irish music, dance, literature, drama, food and more.
The following little Irish blessing marks the day and celebrates the humble gratitude of the Irish this St. Patrick’s Day.
May there always be work for your hands to do,
May your purse always hold a coin or two.
May the sun always shine warm on your windowpane,
May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain.
May the hand of a friend always be near you,
And may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.