Learning Area Update
31 July
Welcome to Term 3! As we embrace another exciting term, our focus remains on promoting health and physical education. We are committed to nurturing a culture of wellness and active living within our school community. This term promises a variety of activities and learning opportunities designed to engage our students in health and physical education.
Curriculum highlights for each year level this term includes:
Year 7: Students will explore a variety of skills and engage in discussions about technique and strategy. Activities include volleyball, speedball, and T-Ball. In Health, students will also learn about puberty and multiculturalism.
Year 8: Students will participate in activities designed to build teamwork and improve fitness levels. This includes team sports such as Netball and Volleyball The focus will be on developing communication skills and understanding the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.
Year 9: Students move into Semester Two electives which are Strength and Conditioning, Footy Codes, and Hoops and Nets.
Year 10: Students will also move into Semester Two Electives which are Australian and Global Health, PE Core, and Energy for Exercise.
VCE HHD and PE: Students have began working through Unit 2 or Unit 4 coursework. The finish line for our Unit 4 students is visible with a handful of SAC’s remaining. We wish them all the best in this busy time and have confidence that their hard work will pay off.