From Assistant Principals
12 March By Sharon Lehtonen, Assistant Principal - Catholic School Culture
The Feminine Genius
Last week on 8 March 2024, we celebrated International Women’s Day. It is an opportunity to think globally about equity and equal opportunity. In another way it is an opportunity to celebrate the dignity of women as seen through a Christian lens.
Women have distinctive qualities with which to enrich society, qualities Pope John Paul II called the “feminine genius”.
The feminine genius can be understood as the full and authentic spiritual, ethical and interpersonal response to the given of being a particular female person, a physical, emotional, historical, and spiritual whole. It is present in the heart of women like a seed. It needs to be respected, nourished and allowed to develop in each woman according to her talents, personality and most importantly, according to her free response.
In the Apostolic Letter Mulieris dignitate 31 Pope John Paul writes “the Church gives thanks for all manifestations of the feminine ‘genius’ which have appeared in history in the midst of all people and nations….she gives thanks for all the fruits of feminine holiness”.’
St Edith Stein, otherwise known as Sister Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (1891—1942), a Carmelite nun and martyr in Auschwitz, wrote on the dignity and vocation of women. Her writings encourage us to re-discover in the pages of Scripture and in the riches of our tradition the prophetic shape of Mary mother of God and her feminine genius.
Mary, our mother in faith, is God’s valiant woman, - “a sign from heaven” for men and women, hospitable to salvation, radiant in her strength and daring, unfailing in her discipleship, self-giving in her maternity, blessed in her faith and eloquent in her contemplative silence.
Mary, a model for all to celebrate.