From the Deputy Principal
14 November By Christopher Grant, Deputy Principal
Today marks the conclusion of the 2023 Year 12 exams with French and Indonesian completing the timetable. Our Year 12 students have been remarkable young people who have worked tirelessly to reach this point. We will celebrate and acknowledge their Secondary school journey with a Graduation Mass and dinner next Monday evening. The Graduation Mass will be live streamed for families who are unable to attend, a link will be shared with Year 12 families in the coming days.
Wednesday 22 November 2023 is a student free day, with staff finalising reports and preparing for the upcoming Early Start program. Additionally, Tuesday 28 November 2023 is Orientation Day for our 2024 Year 7 students. This is a student free day for all other students, except those who are peer mentors and SRC members.
Our Early Start Program commences on Monday 27 November 2023. Students will progress to the next year level, commence their new pathways subjects and will be in their new core groups. The purpose of the program is to ensure that learning opportunities are optimised to the very last day of the year for all students and that they are getting the best learning experience possible at Damascus.
Student timetables will be available through SIMON and PAM from the end of the day on Friday 24 November 2023. It is important to note the days students have PE to ensure they are appropriately equipped for their classes.
New staff who have been engaged for the 2024 school have been asked to attend for the Early Start Program. Where this has not been possible, existing staff (particularly Year 7 teachers) have been called upon to ensure that students begin Early Start with consistent and quality teaching prior to transitioning to their 2024 teachers.
Construction of the new Senior Learning Centre is progressing well and on track as we lead into the end of the year. Footings have been dug with a significant concrete pour expected in the coming days. It is exciting to see the progress to date.