From Assistant Principals
17 October By Ashwin Pillai, Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching
As we gather to celebrate the incredible journey of our Year 12 Students, it's a momentous occasion to reflect upon the six years they've spent here at Damascus College. Throughout this time, our College has strived to shape well-rounded individuals, fostering their growth in line with our cherished Damascus attributes. Today, we proudly acknowledge the transformation these Students have undergone as they prepare to complete their last outcomes in both VCE and VCE VM as they embark on their journey towards their final exams.
Embracing the Damascus Attributes
At Damascus College, we have always upheld the values outlined in our Damascus attributes, guiding our Students toward becoming whole, compassionate individuals. These attributes serve as pillars of our educational philosophy and define the kind of graduates we aim to produce:
Motivation for the Final Stretch
As our Year 12s approach the final leg of their educational journey, it's essential to consider the role of motivation in their success. As Dan Pink wisely said "The science shows that the secret to high performance isn’t our biological drive, but our deep-seated desire to direct our own lives, to learn and create new things, and to do better by ourselves and our world.” This wisdom serves as a reminder that motivation comes from within and, as our students pursue their last outcomes and exams, their intrinsic motivation will be a powerful force driving their success.
The Pride of Personal Growth
We cannot overlook the remarkable personal growth our Year 12 Students have undergone during their time at Damascus College. Their journey has not only been about academic achievement but also the development of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) skills. These skills, including confidence, resilience, perseverance, organisation and engaging in respectful relationships, are the foundation for success in all aspects of life. Witnessing the growth in these areas fills us with immense pride.
Looking to the Future
As we celebrate the accomplishments of our Year 12 Students, we also look to the future. They are not just the torchbearers of their own dreams, but they also inspire our Students from Years 7-11. Their journey serves as a testament to the transformative power of education and the values that Damascus College holds dear. We are confident that they will continue to shine as they embark on their next chapter, serving as beacons of hope and inspiration to those who follow in their footsteps.
In conclusion, we extend our heartfelt congratulations to our Year 12 students, celebrating their accomplishments and the incredible journey they've undertaken. The values of the Damascus attributes have been woven into their lives, making them compassionate, purpose-driven individuals. Let their journey inspire all our Students and may their futures be filled with success, happiness and the realisation of their dreams.