From the Deputy Principal
08 August By Chris Grant, Deputy Principal
Thank you to the random set of families that were chosen, and took time to complete, the School Improvement Survey. All students and staff were also asked to complete the survey and this data will assist in understanding how well our College is operating, including the College Climate and Culture.
The winning family has been drawn and notified, for the $100 Wine and Cheese Hamper. Thank you again to all families who completed this survey.
The Junior School formal, originally scheduled for Friday 4 August, will now be held on Friday 25 August, in the Damascus Events Centre from 6.30pm to 8.30pm.
This is a social opportunity Damascus College facilitates for our Year 7 and 8 students. It has always been a very positive event on our calendar, but it is important that I reiterate that normal school rules apply. There are no pass-outs through the evening. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the evening, please contact your House Leader. Students are encouraged to bring a plate of food to share. To purchase tickets, please click here or visit the link sent to you from the College, Tuesday.
One of the planned activities within our calendar is the staff Faith and Catholic Identity Development Day planned for this Monday, 14 August. We are looking forward to a challenging and rewarding day unpacking our Catholic identity and
On Monday, it was fantastic to conduct mock interviews with our Year 12 VCE/VM students. I was so impressed by how our senior students were optimising their time in class to refine their interview skills, resumes and general communication capabilities. We are very proud of the achievements of these young women and men who demonstrated that they are ready to take the leap into life beyond secondary school.
Students submitted their subject selections last week, and we are working through the blocking processes regarding what subjects can be run and those that cannot. It is certainly an exciting time of year when students can reflect, plan and prepare for their future pathways, their journey to their chosen career, or simply stepping outside their comfort zone and having a go at a subject of interest next year.