From the Deputy Principal
12 July By Chris Grant, Deputy Principal
Welcome to Term 3.
Next Tuesday evening, beginning at 5.30pm, Damascus College will provide a range of opportunities for families to come in and gain more information regarding the subject selection process for 2024. The opportunities provided allow you to seek more information about your student's respective course in 2024 or to speak with teachers in the learning area that your student is considering, to gain a specialised insight into specific subjects or courses. For more information on the evening and opportunities to book, please click the following here
Here at school, the lead-up to next week's production of "The Addams Family" has been very busy with rehearsals and set construction. The staff, cast and crew worked solidly over the holidays under the guidance of our committed Performing Arts teachers, and I am sure that while these students and staff are experiencing some weariness from their efforts, the gifts that they will bring forth from opening night next Wednesday will be truly amazing! I acknowledge the enormous effort of Andrew Seeary, Maria Russell, Marcus Ryan, Nicole Burness and all those supporting them and the Damascus students in the lead up to the performance next week. Excitingly, all tickets sold out very quickly and there is great anticipation for upcoming performances. I wish everyone well for what will be an exciting week of performances.
In the last week of Term 2, the Justice Action Group organised events to provide support to the St Vinnies Winter Appeal. St Vinnies recognises that there is an increase of women over 55 who are experiencing homelessness at alarming rates. The events held will be able to provide these women in crisis a safe place to sleep, food, clothing and a chance to rebuild their lives. Our initiatives have enabled us to raise $1,453.80 as a community. We thank all those members of our community who have supported the Hot Chocolate Fundraiser and the Casual Clothes day. We pray that our efforts are able to make a difference in these women’s lives.
This Thursday afternoon our distance runners will compete in the Ballarat Associated Schools (BAS) Road Relay. This is the first distance running event of the season, and we wish our team well. I acknowledge with gratitude the work of Rod Mathews, Hamish Walsh and Gavan Walsh in the lead up to this event and wish our students the very best.
Term 3 sports commence in week 2. All students who have signed up to a sport have been added to a MS Teams channel relevant to their sport. They are reminded to check into MS Teams on a daily basis and continue to monitor the daily messages for any details regarding training sessions and game information. Parents can also check the daily messages on PAM and the Damascus Facebook page for the weekly BAS Afterschool sport overview. For further information and FAQ’s regarding the BAS Afterschool Sports Program, please head to the Damascus College website.
With another busy Term ahead and some exciting activities and events occurring, I wish everyone well for the Term.