From Assistant Principals
07 June By Andrew Roberson, Assistant Principal - Student Wellbeing
It has been pleasing to see a healthy number of students participate in our after school sports program. Last week I had the privilege of supporting the Junior Boys Football Team in their game against St Patrick’s College. It was pleasing to see (not that I am competitive) our Damascus boys defeat our long-term nemesis in St Pat’s. In addition to this I reflected on the respect and encouragement our young lads were able to show each other under the realms of good sportsmanship. I was thrilled with the endeavour and camaraderie displayed by the boys under the guidance of our coaching staff, who praise effort ahead of results.
The demeanour of our student clearly reflected some of the benefits of playing a team sport. Vic Health outlines the broad benefits of playing team sports. Their research shows that team sport contributes to ‘improved social skills, improved personal skills such as cooperation and leadership, improved sleep and a greater ability to physically relax’. Furthermore, students feel a sense of pride in our College where there is a common aim to ‘Be the best I can be’. All students were wearing their full footy uniform with pride.
Damascus College offers over 70 after school sports throughout the year. I would encourage student participation in at least one of these throughout the semester. This is an awesome way for students to expand their friendship groups and meet like minded individuals without the awkwardness that some students feel in getting to know each other. Go DMAC.
See below Coach, Gerard Macklin, and Team Manager, Ryan Leaney, barking tactics and game plans last week. Damascus defeated St Patrick’s College at home.