07 June
We are excited to spend five minutes with Year 12 student Maddison Milikins, to hear her aspirations for university after high school.
“I would love to go to university next year, however, I am still open to taking a gap year or even starting mid-term. I want to go to university as I want to get a further education beyond high school to allow me to achieve other things.
Currently, my goal is to do direct entry into the undergraduate degree in Medicine at Monash University, however, if I don't get in, I would instead like do either a Bachelor of Physiotherapy or Biomedical Science at Monash and then go on to do the post-graduate degree of Medicine.
Studying medicine appeals to me as I want to help people, make a difference in the community and it will mean that my job will have a purpose to making others happier. As well as this, my favourite subjects are maths methods, physical education and chemistry which all lead into Medicine, so I think I would enjoy studying it.
I am definitely looking forward to making new friends and living on campus and having new life experiences outside of Ballarat.
At the moment I am wanting to pursue Pediatrics oncology and work at the Royal Children's Hospital, however I am definitely open to other fields and excited to see where it all leads.”
Thanks for your time, Maddison, and good luck with achieving your goal of becoming a mecical doctor.