From the Deputy Principal
07 June By Chris Grant, Deputy Principal
Our College is certainly feeling the effects of COVID-19 and Influenza on our students and staff. Our ability to cover classes is tight, and we continue to do our best to provide onsite learning each day to all students. Can I encourage families that if your young person is not well, please keep your student/students home until they are symptom-free – COVID or the flu - for everyone's safety.
Next Friday evening, 16 June 2023, the Middle School Formal will take place from 7:00pm to 10:00pm. This is a social opportunity Damascus College facilitates for our Year 9 and 10 students. It has always been a very positive event on our calendar, but it is important that I reiterate that normal school rules apply. It is an alcohol, drug and smoke-free event; any student who is suspected of having consumed alcohol will not be permitted to attend. There are no pass-outs through the evening. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the evening, please contact your House Leader. It is a social activity, and hair and make-up appointments are not more important than school on Friday. Any student who is away on Friday will not be able to attend the formal. I must reinforce my encouragement that parents support one another by not condoning after parties. If you say no to requests from your child, you're actually supporting other Damascus parents who are going to receive the same pressure from their student. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the evening, please contact your House Leader. Students are encouraged to bring a plate of food to share.
I wish our Year 8 to 11 students well over the coming week as they undertake exams. All students will continue classes as normal after their examinations up until the final day of term on Friday 23 June 2023, with the exception being Year 11 students who will begin their Unit 2 classes on Friday 16 June 2023. Any students wishing to make a change to their electives or Unit 2 classes are encouraged to follow the Change of Preference Process as advised in instructions sent to their student email.
Thursday 15 June 2023 is GAT Day and a Teaching Staff Professional Practice Day. This will be a non-teaching day for students who are not sitting the GAT and will enable staff to continue to provide feedback on end of Semester assessments and reports.
We pray for all those who grieve.