College Information & Events
15 February
It has been an exciting time to be an English teacher! I want to take the opportunity to remind guardians and students of our expectations. At Damascus, we expect that students of English read deeply, write regularly and listen attentively in class. We appreciate your continued support with English, at home and we are excited to offer a range of learning experiences including excursions, guest speakers and writer visits which will help students find purpose and meaning in their English studies.
We encourage guardians to read the class novels to support students at home. We hope you have rich discussions with your children about the core ideas and issues of the novels. Equally, we encourage you to support your students’ writing, by offering help with proof reading and editing. I would offer a particular note of appreciation to our Year 7s who are starting their study of ‘Blueback’.
Thanks to the English staff for their hard work in preparing lessons and writing curriculum as we tackle new units in the Middle School and new Study Designs in Senior English. There is nothing quite like the pace of Term 1! The marking process has begun in earnest, so I wish to express my appreciation to those English staff undertaking extra responsibilities and for pursuing professional development outside of school hours as we chart the course for the new school year.
Finally, we wish to use the opportunity to promote the co-curricular to ensure our English classes are rich learning environments where lively and informed discussion can take place. Opportunities like the Writing Club, Debating and Public Speaking competitions, SHOUT magazine and Book Club teach us to hone our thinking and planning skills, enrich our presentation style and enhance our world view. Plus, most importantly, these forums give students the chance to form new relationships with like-minded people.