College Information & Events
26 October
Enviroweek 2022 is held in Australia from October 22-28, 2022 and gives schools and children across Australia the opportunity to connect with their local environment and community. Each year, thousands of children across Australia take action to improve our environment by joining in with local community events.
At Damascus College there have been several actions to mark the week.
A Symbolic Tree
In recognition of Enviro Week, a tree has been created to symbolise the very thing we need to care for. The Sustainability Committee would like to invite our school community to find ways to make small personal changes that help reduce our impact on the environment. The tree, a symbol of growth and rejuvenation is fitting, as small changes in our behaviour can repair any human-imposed damage to our environment. The wooden tree will be displayed in the SMRC for two weeks.
Nude Food Drive
A poster to promote nude food was developed. Nude Food is food without excess packaging. It is food that comes to school without disposable packaging such as extra plastic bags, paper bags, wrappings or cling wraps. We encourage you to package snacks and lunches in durable, reusable containers. Click below to download a Nude Food Week information poster.
Waste-free lunches are lunches with ZERO disposable packaging!
A person who uses disposable lunch packaging generates about three pieces of rubbish each day, which ends up being about 30kg of waste per year! This Enviro Week we want to reduce our waste and our impact on the environment.
Disposable packaging can be replaced with beeswax wraps and reusable containers, as well as natural packaging of food (for example peels, skins and rinds). If you buy food at the canteen, request no packaging or bring your own reusable plate/container.
When everyone takes action we can make an impact and vastly decrease our waste.
Recycling Paper
Students were encouraged to consider their understanding of Damascus College paper recycling protocols in TA period on Tuesday. Our dedicated cardboard and paper recycling service helps save money on waste management by removing paper and bulky cardboard from general waste streams and reducing waste going into landfill. It saves forests.