College Information & Events
05 October
This morning Damascus College welcomed students, staff, alumni and community members to the annual Bright Futures Breakfast event.
Guests were welcomed to the Damascus Events Centre where they enjoyed hot drinks on this cold Ballarat morning before they heard from Year 11 student Kaitlyn Handreck and the impact of being the recipient of the Diocese of Ballarat scholarship. Kaitlyn shared how it made a difference to her, and her family financially, but how it also had other benefits. It gave her confidence and empowered her as it was a significant achievement.
The guest speaker for the event was Samuel Rizzo, class of 2018. Sam shared his inspirational and motivational personal journey from being born with the congenital condition Spina Bifida to representing Australia as a world-class T54 Para-athlete, and the impact his Damascus College education has made on his life. It was a delight to hear his very personal reflections, his appreciation for the educators in his life, and how they have supported him along the way as well as the love and appreciation he has for his family and friends.
The Bright Futures Breakfast is held each year to support the Bright Futures Scholarship which supports students and families who are experiencing financial or personal disadvantages. It is awarded annually to one incoming Year 7 student for 50% tuition relief, and is awarded for the duration of a student's enrolment at Damascus College (maximum of 6 years). More information and an application form can be found at
Guests enjoyed a delicious buffet breakfast before departing to enjoy the rest of their day hopefully filled with the knowledge that by attending they have shown their support for Damascus College and the Bright Futures Scholarship. We believe that a brighter future starts with schooling and giving a child the opportunity to thrive at Damascus College is the aim of the Bright Futures Scholarship.