From the Principal
26 October By Mr. Steven Mifsud, Principal
Our prayer today is for Year 12 VCE students across Victoria as they commence their exams with the VCE English paper this morning. We pray for wisdom in their approach and just rewards for their efforts. May all students who undertake exams over the coming weeks see them as an opportunity to reflect on their learning and focus on their own individual improvement. We make this prayer of our loving God - Amen.
On Monday night, l attended the Music Soiree for our talented Music students. I wish to congratulate the students for their perseverance and tenacity to learn an instrument, whether voice or instrument. The students performed with gusto and took important calculated risks. We only learn by practice, risk-taking and calculated risks. Well done to our students who challenged themselves and had the courage to take themselves out of their own comfort zone.
Right across the College, it is a time of important assessment and feedback. It has been great to see so many families book appointments with Teacher Advisors in preparation for these final weeks and the important goal-setting for 2023. These meetings are an important opportunity to build confidence or to look at refinements to the 2022 – 2023 learning program. I thank families for their support.
One of our past students, Bridie Cocks, died after being involved in a traffic accident on Saturday evening. Our thoughts and prayers are with Bridie’s family and friends. At such a difficult time of grief and sadness, as a Catholic school community, we turn to our faith for solace and strength.
Over the coming weeks, you may be concerned about your student’s reaction to this news. Many students will wish to talk with their parents. To assist you in those conversations, below is some general information that may assist you in those conversations. I also encourage you to let your students know that you are aware of this incident and that you will listen to their concerns at any time. Staying connected and engaged with your student is one of the best ways to support them. When talking about the issue of death, try to include discussion about positive ways of managing problems.
Two important messages to promote to your child are that all of us should seek help from others when we feel sad or vulnerable and that young people should tell an adult if they are worried about a friend or themselves.
I urge you to be extremely sensitive and mindful of privacy and the use of social media during this time, particularly as some information may not be reliable or accurate.
Young people frequently turn to social media to see what others are saying or to find out more. At these times, it is important that you monitor their use and engage with them about what they read. We urge you to emphasise and reinforce the need to be extremely sensitive and careful about what they post. They should be reminded that they are being given reliable and up-to-date information by the school. They should be encouraged to report any social media communication they see which is at variance with the facts that were provided or which is a cause for concern (e.g. about friends).
Our school will be concentrating on supporting our students and staff over the coming days, weeks and months. This means, among other things, returning the school to normal routines as soon as possible while recognising that students may be affected by this event for many months to come. If your child is already seeing a mental health professional, please ensure this information is given to them.
A range of activities are coming up for students over the coming weeks. From Monday, 7th November, Year 9 students will attend their camp in the Strathbogie ranges. If there are concerns regarding the Year 9 camp – please contact Camps Coordinator Paul Briody, who works really hard to accommodate individual needs to make the learning accessible.
During this same week, our Year 10 students will have their induction to the Christian Personal Development Award (CPDA) through their retreat and other activities. The other half of Year 10 will have work experience. Could I please implore families to support students in engaging with these different learning activities, as they are all structured to develop our young people holistically. If your student does not have work experience at this stage, could you please liaise with the humanities teacher or Careers Coordinator, Georgia Shillito, to meet this requirement.
One of the underlying principles of the College’s Teacher Advisor Program has been to build strong relationships between the school, the student and their family to ensure that their learning opportunities are optimised and that students do not “fall through the cracks”.
I remind families that Year 7 immunisations will take place at the College on Wednesday, 9th November. Secondary school immunisations are provided to students in Year 7 (HPV and diphtheria-tetanus-whooping cough) and Year 10 (meningococcal ACWY). Due to COVID-19 interruptions to school-based learning, many students in Years 7-12 may have missed these important vaccines. This puts students at an increased risk of illness, including cervical and other HPV-related cancers and diseases against which they are being vaccinated. If your child misses their school-based vaccinations, speak to your GP or local council immunisation service about how they can catch up. To see if your child is due for any vaccines, check your student/s immunisation history statement on the Australian Immunisation Register using your MyGov account. If your child is over 14, they will need to access their immunisation history statement themselves through their own MyGov account or the Medicare mobile app. Learn why vaccination is important:
Immunisation in secondary schools - Better Health Channel
As we approach All Soul’s Day on Friday and in our church tradition, the month of November is an important time for remembering and celebrating those we have loved and lost. Can I encourage you to visit the Commemorative Trail below the Mercy administration wing. The commemorative trail is a reflective walk to assist past, current and future members of the school to remember and pray for those who have gone before us and created the opportunities that we enjoy today.
We remember all those who need our prayers at this time.
With every blessing