From the Principal
26 July By Mr. Steven Mifsud, Principal
This weekend the Universal Church celebrated World Grandparents and the Elderly Day. In our busy lives, it is important to remember our parents and all our elderly and to pay tribute to and respect the many sacrifices and giving we have experienced by the elderly in our lives. Observing my parents, in their role as grandparents, l have learnt so much about unconditional love and acceptance. Grandparents provide the extended love and compassion that is so needed in our world today. I encourage you to acknowledge the elderly and grandparents in your life this week. Let us celebrate and rejoice in the spirit of family.
This week’s gospel reading from Luke explores the theme of prayer and the essence of bread in our lives. Bread is a common theme in our life, as it is the simple source of nourishment and an essential part of daily experience. I know that in my family, the sharing of a fresh loaf of sourdough that is still warm creates instant feelings of connection and conversation. The breaking of bread each night, as we share a family meal, symbolises welcome and inclusion for all who come to our table. The gift of hospitality, welcome and source of nourishment are in our relationships. Families are the most common union, and they too are flawed with anger, love and most importantly, forgiveness. This week, let us not forget to show gratitude to our family – warts and all. The gospel highlights the need for forgiveness and persistence in seeking the goodness in one another. Let us pray gently to our God for our family, grandparents and the elderly.
Last week was a busy week for the Damascus Family; Careers’ Information Night and the College production Clue. The students created a wonderful performance with the support of our talented and dedicated team led by Andrew Seeary and Nicole Burness. Andrew’s work highlights that through hard work, persistence and acceptance, much can be achieved and celebrated. I would like to congratulate our students who had the courage to take risks, share their gifts of acting and transforming the written language into a new medium. The students provided a new interpretation of this classical piece of drama. The students are not only budding actors but role models of tenacity and grit.
The College offers a vast array of co-curricular programs that enable all students to celebrate success and pursue their passion. Young people need you, as their parents, to help them identify their gifts and passion. Young people who actively engage in the co-curricular life of the College build strong friendships, connections and build their self-esteem. I encourage you to talk to your child(ren) about what their passion is and how they can explore this in the life of our College community. We gain so much by giving of ourselves to our community and forming new and different connections.
Thank you to the many families who attended the Teacher Advisor meetings. Active participation in your child’s learning demonstrates to your child that their learning is a partnership with us at Damascus and your family. Let each of us continue challenging our young people to be their Best!
With every blessing.