College Information & Events
26 July
Damascus College wants to inform you of a small, but significant change in the way in which the College manages student absence notifications.
Currently, families can enter absence information into a Student Absence Form on the College Website which then emails that information to the Absence Staff at the College. From this point, it is a manual task to input this information into SIMON.
To enhance the College’s absence process, the ability to enter this information via the form on the College website will no longer be available from Wednesday August 3rd.
The form will be replaced with a link to log into your PAM account where you can enter an absence for your student(s) which will then automatically create the required approved absence(s) in SIMON.
This can be done for full or part day appointments, absences holidays etc.
The ability to email absences@damascus will remain for Term 3, however this will also be phased out for the beginning of Term 4.
The quickest and easiest way to notify the College of any absence is to enter it via PAM.
If you are unsure of your PAM Account login and or password, please contact Aleceia Gason via email at
If you have any questions, please contact the College on 5337 2222.