15 June
The annual Winter Fundraising Appeal plays a vital role each year in enabling the good works of the St Vincent de Paul Society and, with your support, we hope to achieve a strong result to sustain the varied programs into the future.
The theme of this year’s Winter Appeal is ‘Make it Stop’, focusing on the importance of providing safety to families and individuals fleeing domestic violence. During a time where the community has been routinely told to stay home in the interests of public health and safety, a perfect storm has arisen where women and children experiencing domestic and family violence have been put at greater risk of harm by being trapped with their abusers.
Reports of domestic violence have increased during the pandemic; between 2020-2021, the Vinnies Services team assisted almost 1,250 Victorian adults and children with crisis accommodation and case management support. While life has incrementally returned to normal in the wake of multiple lockdowns, the scourge of domestic violence continues to place vulnerable people at risk of harm and in need of assistance.
No one wants to be homeless. No one chooses to be cold.
Helen Smith from Vinnies wrote to our college.
We are writing to you regarding the current situation in Ballarat around rental stress and homelessness. … we have an increasing number of clients needing financial support because rising rents leave them with little or no money for any other expenses. On average one in five of our clients are homeless, this includes a growing number of single parents and aged pensioners. Clients inform us that they are in temporary motel accommodation, couch surfing, living in tents or cars.
This is not how life in meant to be lived and Damascus College can make a difference.
The Justice Action Group, supported by the SRC, are having an Oodie/Hoodie Day next Wednesday 22nd June to raise awareness of the need in our local community. Oodies and Hoodies keep us warm in Winter. Students are able to wear their Damascus College PE uniform to and from school this day and add a hoodie or Oodie over the top while at school. There will be fashion parade at lunchtime.
Our casual day on Friday 24th June, the last day, offers a chance to do more. Help keep Ballarat’s most needy warm this winter with significant donation on the last day of term for St Vinnies Winter Appeal.
The smallest note in Australian currency is $5. It is the lowest amount that is considered significant enough to have as a note in our country. This is the beginning of significance. We can do something significant for the homeless through Vinnies.
If we all gave $5, there would be enough to make a huge difference to this problem through the work of St Vincent de Paul
Together, we can do it!