15 June
Congratulations to our Margaret Addicoat (née McDonald) who was recognised with an Order of Australia medal in the Queens Birthday Honours List for service to the community through volunteering.
Margaret was a boarder at Sacred Heart College from 1941 - 1952 where a sense of social justice was instilled in her. She was a founding member of the auxiliary for Peplow House crisis accommodation in Ballarat. Not only was she on a committee that helped raise valuable funds, she also volunteered one night a week of her time to the facility.
Other area's that she has provided support for have been Lakeside Hospital, for dementia or Alzheimer's patients and most recently Knit One, Give One (KOGO).
Thank you for all that you do for others Margaret, you truly are a Damascus College shining light and its wonderful to see your good works acknowledged with your Order of Australia medal.