From the Principal
27 April By Mr. Christopher Grant, Interim Principal
Welcome back to Term 2. I hope the Easter break, along with our ANZAC day holiday on Monday, provided some much needed time to rest and re-energise for the busy term ahead.
We have a small number of staff starting with us this term, and I warmly welcome Holly De Jong teaching Music, Krista Navarro teaching French, Carli Lewicki teaching English and Jasmina Kirkham as our new Youth Ministry Officer. We also welcome Sally Balson and Neale Thompson back from leave.
The Victorian Government announced at the end of last term that it is extending the rapid antigen test (RAT) screening program for the first four weeks of Term 2. Earlier this week in TA, students were provided with their first two week supply. The screening recommendations will remain, advising that students should test at home twice per week before arriving at school.
Furthermore, there are a small number of changes that directly affect students, families and staff;
Families will continue receiving daily email notifications from the College regarding positive cases in year levels. I direct your attention to our Term 2 family COVID update that was sent out yesterday for further details which is below:-
Principal Communication 260422
If you are an existing family that has received an offer for an enrolment place for Year 7 for 2023, I remind you that the final day for acceptance is this Friday, 29th April.
Can I please remind families that our Mobile phone policy changes have now begun. Mobile phones brought to school must be switched off and stored securely in your lockers without use during the entire school day.
Our collective aim in enacting this policy is to provide;
Students are required to be in full Winter uniform on Monday, 9th May – this means long pants, Winter skirts and tights and track pants with the PE uniform. It is not uncommon for students to have grown, which requires skirts and pants to be let down. Skirts should be knee-length. Following up on uniform infringements takes valuable school resources away from the core business of learning and teaching and creates awkward and unnecessary conversations with students and families. Please ensure all students come to school each day in the correct school uniform.
Parents may also be pressured to purchase a rain jacket. This uniform item was introduced to cover the expensive blazer as students walk to and from school or as they wait at rural bus stops. Students are allowed to wear the rain jacket in terms 2 and 3 at lunchtime and recess while outside as another layer and to encourage student activity. The rain jacket is not to be worn in class. It does remain an optional item of uniform.
If you have a student in Year 10 who has Work Experience coming up and the paperwork has not been returned to the College, could you please attend to this as a matter of urgency. For any student who has not yet secured a place, there will be an expectation of attendance at school for the entire week to undertake virtual Work Experience opportunities. However, the preference is for all students to source and complete a work placement.
Tomorrow (Thursday), we will move to the Llanberris Reserve for our Athletics carnival. The athletics carnival is a great opportunity for our young people to team together in their Houses to compete. As with any school day, this is a compulsory school day for all students. There are a broad range of events to engage students of different abilities. Please make sure students have suitable sun protection and food and water for the day. In a move back to COVID normal, we look forward to welcoming our families to the carnival as spectators.
Next Friday evening, 6th May, the Senior School formal will take place from 7:00pm to 10:30pm. This is a social opportunity that Damascus College facilitates for our community's Year 11 and 12 students. It has always been a very positive event on our calendar, but it is important that I reiterate that normal school rules apply. It is an alcohol, drug and smoke-free event; any student suspected of having consumed alcohol will not be let in. There are no pass-outs through the evening. Year 12 students are permitted to bring a guest on the condition that they arrive with the Damascus College student and that the guest abides by Damascus College rules. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the evening, please contact your House Leader. It is a social activity, and hair and make-up appointments are not more important than school on Friday. Any student who is away on Friday will not be able to attend the formal. I must reinforce my encouragement that parents support one another by not condoning after parties. If you say no to requests from your child, you're actually supporting other Damascus parents who are going to receive the same pressure from their student. Students are encouraged to bring a plate of food to share.
We keep in our thoughts Tyson Aslanidis (McAuley 15, Year 10) and his family on the passing of his Grandmother during the holidays and also Matthew Hanrahan (St Martin 10, Year 10) and his family on the passing of his Grandfather last week. May they rest in peace.
Welcome back to Term 2 until next week …