Community Involvement
27 April
Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) is conducting an urgent appeal to support the Church in Ukraine.
An initial package of $2 million was sent in the days following the invasion and we are appealing to the Catholic people to further assist.
The financial aid so far has been distributed to both the Eastern and Western Catholic Churches, to religious orders and social projects run by priests and religious all over the country. Focus has been on the East, where fighting has been most serious, but also in parts of the West that are dealing with an influx of refugees fleeing the combat zone. In the capital city of Kiev, which has been under bombardment, the Church is also receiving financial support to help those most at need.
In a recent interview, Bishop Stanislav Szyrokoradiuk of Odessa in Southern Ukraine, stated, "I am very grateful for all the political support and solidarity. I would especially like to thank Aid to the Church in Need. It was the first organisation which asked me: 'What should we do? How can we help?' Thank you for this readiness to help."
ACN has been working to keep the faith alive in Ukraine since the 1950s and we do not intend to stop now.
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