College Information & Events
27 April
On Thursday 7 April the College gathered for the first time in a long time, as a whole school assembly, to celebrate Easter and to farewell staff that are departing Damascus.
The assembly began with a liturgy to remember Holy Week. Holy Week recounts the final days of Jesus’ life including his death, burial, and resurrection. On Easter Sunday we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus who gives us new life and hope and leads us to transformation. The glory of the resurrection has loosened the bonds of sin and freed us from the clutches of the living death that it brings. Easter Sunday is our most holy day of the year. The sun has risen to extinguish the darkness of night. The new life of Easter gives us joy and hope that the darkness will be extinguished in our own lives.
Speeches from the College Captains and Interim Principal Chris Grant farewelled Principal Mr Matthew Byrne, after 13 years of principalship. It was heart-warming to hear of the memories and gratitude shown by the students for the considerable contribution Matt has made to their lives.
The College wishes all staff departing Damascus the best of luck and a sincere thank-you to Matt Byrne for all that he has been, and all that he is to the Damascus community.
Thank you to all the students who participated in the liturgy and helped to bring the messages of love and hope to the rest of the College community.