02 March
The tool is ready for your response.
The Enhancing Catholic School Identity Project (ESCIP) is with us. ESCIP offers a tool to help us understand the Catholic culture of our college. But how is Catholic identity described in the tool? In recent weeks we have introduced the scales that are used in the tool. Last week an email link with details about access to the survey and instructions for its completion were made available.
Thanks to the thirty families that have already completed the survey. Those who have started the survey but still need to complete it are asked to do so soon. If you have not yet begun, this is a good time. Please make time as soon as possible to complete the survey and contribute to our understanding of Catholic identity.
If you no longer have the email from last Wednesday 23rd February please contact Assistant Principal for Catholic Culture, Tony Haintz t.haintz@damascus.vic.edu.au, who can provide the details.