College Information & Events
16 February
Last Friday we celebrated our Opening School Mass with a limited congregation, a reflection of our changing world. Our Year 12 and SRC students, together with the choir, represented the whole student body with reverence and a sense of pride. The leadership team and house leaders represented the staff and community of Damascus College. We were very fortunate to have Bishop Paul celebrate Mass as we focused on our scripture verse for the year from the Gospel of St John, “Abide in my love and you shall bear much fruit.” Bishop Paul reminded us that by doing two things: loving our God above all others and treating our neighbour as we would like to be treated, we are able to keep the faith and grow with the Spirit, so that God’s love can be revealed among us in many diverse and fruitful ways.
Toward the end of Mass, Bishop Paul blessed the school badges that were distributed at the assembly that followed to the Year 12s and SRC members as our new school leaders. Chris Grant commissioned our new school leaders to go forth to serve their House, their Year Levels, and their College community, with faith as they pursue their education and live the motto Be.My.Best., in the name and in the spirit of Jesus. Mr Grant asked our school leaders to lead quietly, being examples of courage and commitment, generosity and creativity, sensitivity and compassion and wisdom.
An event such as this requires the teamwork of various staff members and students. A huge thank you is extended to all those involved, people who form the branches of the vine, who abide in Jesus, thus delivering much fruit.