College Information & Events
09 February
Coming Soon to Damascus
The Catholic University in Leuven, was commissioned by the Catholic Education Commission of Victoria Ltd (CECV) to design a process and tools, based on sound research, to accomplish the goal of understanding our current Catholic identity and where the school community might like to see it in the future. It has been four years since we used the tool to understand Catholic identity at Damascus College in this way.
Quite soon the whole school community will be offered the opportunity to be involved in the process. But how is Catholic identity described in the tool?
There are a number of approaches or scales used to describe Catholic identity in ESCIP. The first of these compares belief (and non-belief) with how religious belief (or non-belief) is experienced. Does someone believe in God, or not? Is there a transcendent God involved in the structure of someone’s philosophy of life? Is religious belief (or non-belief) being processed in a literal or symbolical way? There is a short YouTube animation that explains this.
There are other scales that will be described in future newsletters. It is an exciting time for us. I hope that you follow the roll out of ESCIP engaging.