From the Principal
20 October By Mr. Matthew Byrne, Principal
It was thirteen years ago when our family moved to Ballarat, and I took up a wonderful leadership opportunity at Damascus College at what was then the senior campus of the College. On my first day here at school, we also dropped our oldest two children for their first day at Emmaus Catholic Primary school, in Prep or Foundation and Grade One. At that time, Emmaus was located in two portable classrooms where the Jones Avenue car park is situated here on Damascus grounds. Our family experience that day, dropping off our child to start school, was mirrored by all the parents of our Year 12 cohort. Today we find ourselves at the other end of the school experience, sending our young people off for their final day at school. I am grateful today for all the educators and school staff who have nurtured our daughter, Grace, throughout her schooling. I am also grateful for the peers and families that have made up her educational experience, and I thank those Damascus families who today send a young person off for the last time. We are lucky to live in Australia - safe and free. The gift of education will hopefully enable our young people to embrace their life beyond school. As a community, we thank our graduating students and their families for their contribution to Damascus College. May the light of Christ shine upon you all forevermore.
We have some great events to celebrate the last day that have been adapted to meet the times. We are very proud of how the student cohort have worked with us regarding their final day. Families can join the final assembly from 2:15pm this afternoon via the link Images of the student's departure from the College will be shared after the event via social media and in next weeks newsletter.
Year 12 written exams commence from next Wednesday, 27th, in the Damascus Events Centre, and we keep those students undertaking exams in our prayers.
Last night we conducted the second and final webinar for families seeking a 2023 enrolment at Damascus. Opportunities still exist for guided virtual tours of the College, and information can be found under the enrolment tab on the College website.
As part of Enviroweek (19-26 October), we're asking Damascus families to give Nude Food a try. Here's a video from Our College Sustainability Committee to help get you started. Nude Food Video
I extend the welcome of the Damascus community to Craig Roberts. Craig commences this week as Finance Manager, joining us from the St Patrick's College community where he has had the equivalent role. We welcome Craig.
Joanne Lawrence commences long service leave for the rest of 2020, and we wish her all the best for a well-deserved break. Joanne's classes will be covered by Jane McKendrick and Karen Simpkin. Kristiana Whithers also has a period of leave. Her French classes will be covered by Maureen Myers and music classes covered by Deputy Principal, Chris Grant, Trish Delude and Yvonne Holly.
As I communicated yesterday, the return to onsite learning for all students has been brought forward to this Friday, 22nd October. Tomorrow will hopefully be the last day of remote learning for Year 8&9 students. If there are any questions about the return to onsite learning, please direct them to
I congratulate our senior Arts students on the exhibition currently on display at the Damascus Events Centre. The quality of student work in Art, Media Studies, Visual Communication and Photography, developed largely at home, is excellent. I wish to thank the Arts team of Nick Yandell (Learning Area Leader and Media teacher), Anne Griffin (Photography and Visual Communication teacher), Sharon Wolfe (Art Teacher) and Simone Butler (Arts Technician) for curating a great display. The exhibition will be made available to families virtually in due course.
We keep in our prayers our graduating students and their families. We pray for all those who grieve or suffer and for those around the world who do not enjoy the peace and freedom that Australian society provides.
Until next week…