College Information & Events
20 October
This year as part of Enviroweek, which will be celebrated between 22 – 28 October,the Damascus College Green Group are eager to show us some fun ways that we can use and develop our green fingers... and thumbs!
Green Thumb activities for Enviroweek challenge us to get our hands dirty and think about our local environment and biodiversity. We are encouraged to set up a garden in school, or at home, to grow some delicious vegetables, or grow a wild garden to help with the local biodiversity, or we could learn how to build a vertical garden to grow some herbs in a small indoor space.
We are very fortunate to have here on our campus Murnong or yam daisies. These were once found widely across Western Victoria but the Murnong has become rare since Europeans introduced domestic livestock, which grazed down to the fleshy roots. Those roots were cultivated by Wadawurrung women as a staple crop. Murnong also provides a food source for animals such as wombats and bandicoots.
If you would like to have a Murnong, now is your chance. The Green Group have nurtured Murnong Seedlings that are available for purchase until Wednesday 27 October. The cost is $5 per seedling, with proceeds going to support the Bright Futures Scholarship. Please purchase here
Please enjoy this video created by 2021 Green Group leaders Liana Canfield and Kaitlyn Handreck.
In this cautionary tale one Damascus student is confronted by the Guardian of the Murnong and is given a quest. Will our hero succeed or ...
Collection of your Murnong seedling will be on Friday 29 October, in the Courtyard at lunchtime.