Community Involvement
17 March
On Wednesday 17th March the Damascus College School Captains, Maya Tolliday and Shaun Leonard, attended to A Pot of Courage Cafe for breakfast and then make their own way to school. They were supported by staff members Caroline Nolan and Tony Haintz. Ballarat Regional Multicultural Council, Ballarat African Association and A Pot of Courage co-hosted an Ubuntu Breakfast as part of Ballarat’s Harmony Festival. They were not surprised to see many Sisters of Mercy and Fr Barry Ryan also supporting the event.
Ubuntu.Ubuntu comes from an African Xhosa which means "a person is only a person through other people" or "I am because we are" or "I am human because I belong to the human community and I view and treat others accordingly." It captures the essence of the African philosophy of community, equality, common humanity, family and interconnectedness. It celebrates our oneness, harmony and unity in diversity.
When put into practice, Ubuntu encourages and inspires us to use our gifts and talents to enrich the lives of others and to build community and social bond where every person is included and no one is excluded; where every person is made to feel loved, welcomed, and accepted, irrespective of their race, colour, religion, politics, sexual orientation or background. Ubuntu Breakfast During Harmony Fest was successful in its aim to bring people from different backgrounds and cultures together in order to foster the BALLARAT UBUNTU SPIRIT.
The objective is to encourage a collaborative and supportive community in order to decrease experiences of isolation and disengagement that so many people, especially younger adults and the elderly feel, as well as to help people find community and support during these trying times caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Reverend Constantine Osuchukwu, Dr Michael Akindeju and Erica Echstein explained Ubuntu Philosophy and invited us to tell our 'UBUNTU STORIES' of harmony and diversity.
For a full listing of Harmony events please click here.
On Sunday 21st March an Interfaith Forum will be held in St Patrick’s Hall from 4:00 – 5:30 pm. This will include panellists representing various faiths such as: Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Baha’i, Sikh and Hindu, will address questions of interfaith interest. For more information see the flyer below:-