College Information & Events
10 March
Last year, Damascus successfully applied for a Landcare grant supported by Bushman Water Tanks. The funds from this grant are being put towards the installation of a greenhouse for the propagation of murnong and other indigenous plants on the Damascus site.
On Wednesday 21st September last year, students and staff joined in to prepare the site for the new greenhouse. Since the beginning of the 2021 school year, students in the Hands On Learning Program (HOLP) have been assembling the greenhouse as part of their classes.
This week, we received a certificate from Bushman Water Tanks commemorating our successful grant application. Pictured here are Green Group co-presidents Liana Canfield and Kaitlyn Handreck, along with HOLP class students Felix Moore and William Butcher. We thank Bushman Tanks for their support.
As you can see from the photo below, the greenhouse is nearing completion and will soon move from the construction site to its permanent home in the College’s horticulture space.