College Information & Events
03 March
Sustainability Co-ordinator, Nick Yandell, is preparing a conference to investigate the future of sustainability at the College.
The area of sustainability is at once simple and complex. Simple, in that we cannot maintain the existing approach to living if we are to survive as a species on this planet. Complex, in that there are so many elements to the sustainability jigsaw, each with its own levels of denial concerning the reasons for and impact of climate change, deforestation, biodegradation and extinction rates, fresh water scarcity, excessive meat production, over fishing of the oceans and the impact of fossil fuel burning.
What is our responsibility as a College community? Members of the Damascus College community are invited to a conference to consider this question at Damascus College on Friday March 19th at 1.30 pm – 3:00 pm. Students, staff members and parents are invited. Please indicate your interest in attending by contacting Nick Yandell via email by Tuesday 16th March.
“Once we start to think about the kind of world we are leaving to future generations, we look at things differently; we realize that the world is a gift which we have freely received and must share with others.” Pope Francis. Laudato Si #159