From the Principal
01 December By Mr. Matthew Byrne, Principal
Here we are at the last formal communication of 2020. I haven’t done a word count on 2020 Damascus correspondence yet, but it is with some relief and an enormous amount of pride that I send this final whole school communication.
This Friday, 4th December marks the final day for students at our regular time of 3:17pm, and teaching staff will conclude on Friday 11thDecember. The Damascus College office will be closed from Wednesday 16thDecember (it is also closed on Friday 11th for our staff celebrations).
Students continue Early Start today and tomorrow, and I thank families again for your support of students in transitioning from one year level to the next. On Friday we will conduct our Awards Assembly for the whole school community which will be available for families to watch via a Youtube link concurrently or later that day. This last day, as with every day of school, is a day when we want the entire student population involved in bringing 2020 to a close. The Ball Games that we would typically conduct on the last day will proceed but in a different format. Students will also take part in a year level liturgy and assembly through the course of the day in the Damascus Events Centre to bring the year to a close. Students are encouraged to wear PE uniform on Friday, given the active nature of the day.
Tomorrow is a casual day as a fundraiser for St Vinnies Christmas appeal.
Our rowers are not quite finished for 2020 yet. There is a week of extended training next week culminating in a training day in Nagambie on Saturday 12thDecember. The schedule for the extended training can be found below:-
Rowers are also competing this weekend on the Barwon River in Geelong at a Rowing Victoria regatta. This is the first major regatta of the post COVID-19 rowing season with schools from all over Victoria attending! Damascus College Rowers will be competing throughout the whole day in single sculls, double sculls, coxed fours and coxed quad sculls. Squads are being bussed from Damascus at either 6:00am, or 11:00am, please check TeamApp updates for further details. Good luck to all crews!
January Rowing Camp details are:
Senior Rowing Camp – 18th to 23rd January 2021
Intermediate Rowing Camp – 18th to 23rdJanuary 2021
Junior Rowing Camp – 18th to 22nd January 2021
It was great to welcome our 2021 Year 7 cohort on Tuesday, and it was a delight to encounter the many parents through drop off and pick up. I look forward to meeting others as the new year begins. I thank the Damascus staff team for their work in bringing Orientation day together this year.
As the school year draws to a close, we farewell some wonderful contributors to the College. Tomorrow night we will celebrate our 2020 graduates in a live-streamed event from 5.30pm. The link to the Graduation can be found here. I thank all those who have worked so hard to bring this event together and congratulate the graduating class on their achievement.
A number of Damascus students have secured apprenticeships or further training, some are pursuing passions in the area of their respective gifts, and some Damascus families are relocating. To those leaving us for different educational pathways or employment, we congratulate you on your courage and thank you for having been a part of the Damascus journey. To those families who we farewell with students finishing up or who are relocating, thank you for choosing Damascus and best wishes in life beyond the road to Damascus.
Semester reports will be available online in the Parent Access Module (PAM) from Friday afternoon, 4th December. This final report is a compilation of the feedback provided progressively on the assessment tasks undertaken throughout this second semester. The final report will also include; AusVELS assessments, work habits and any final results.
VCE results will be available to students who undertook a Unit 3/4 subject on Wednesday 30th December. Senior students will receive communication on the different means of obtaining their results. Given this is the school shutdown period, Ashwin Pillai and I will be available at school if needed; Careers Coordinators Georgia Shillito and Joanne Lawrence will be available remotely, and a member of the College Counselling Team can be accessed if required. The communication to families outlines how to access these staff.
Damascus College is very lucky to have such a hard-working and committed staff team, and I am very grateful for their willingness to give it their all in this year of constant challenge. My pride in the community response has been led by the Damascus staff. This week we celebrate some very special staff who are concluding their time at Damascus College.
Deb Larsen, who currently teachers French and English will finish up on Friday after 26 years delivering Mercy education here at Damascus College– a wonderful effort. Deb has played many key roles within our community over those 26 years. Her contribution to the Languages team in more recent time is well known, and she has been a key contributor to international trips and French language immersion experiences. Deb has always had an enthusiasm for students who have struggled with their learning, and she has played a significant role within House leadership of St Martin’s House. She and Tricia Brown have been the fierce protectors of TA, St Martin’s 3. Deb has always been respected by students and colleagues, and we celebrate and thank her for her contribution to this community as she retires from the teaching profession at Damascus College.
Liz Sarah has been a critical member of the St Martin’s Resource Centre team – always supporting students in the library and with resources needed. Liz assisted us for many years in the library both at Victoria Street and then here at Mt Clear. Liz’s eight years on staff at Damascus have been characterised by her good humour, her commitment to education and her care for the young people of this community. We thank and acknowledge Liz for her work at Damascus College.
Ryan Docking concludes his teaching of Damascus students today after a five year commitment to the students of Damascus College. Ryan has been respected by his colleagues and English students for his dedication to their best outcomes. Ryan has built up a great rapport with the students of McAuley 2. Ryan also provided invaluable support to understanding Microsoft Teams as 2020 unfolded, and we wish him well as he moves interstate to be closer to family.
Brendan Doyle retires this week after a career that began with some casual work with Damascus College way back in the year 2000. Over the last 20 years, he has been a committed and hard-working member of the College staff, who has always kept a concern for student wellbeing and achievement at the core of his vocation. Brendan has taught many students Humanities, English and Religious Education and amongst these, he has had a particular influence on the students of McAuley House. He has always been available to support his TA, McAuley 8, who he has shamelessly advocated for over the years. We acknowledge and thank Brendan for his commitment and contribution to Damascus College.
Damascus College thanks Deb, Liz, Ryan and Brendan for their service and congratulates them as they conclude their work today. We also acknowledge Collen McCaffrey and Jade Collins, who have supported our community with contract roles in 2020 and wish them well for the future.
There were perplexing government announcements about VCAL last week; however, Damascus will continue to keep the best outcomes for the young people of this community front and centre, and that can be seen in the wide variety of activities undertaken by the Applied Learning team throughout Early Start. I congratulate Applied Learning Coordinator, Belinda Dwyer and all involved in the VCAL program on the variety of learning experiences throughout Early Start.
The Damascus College office will reopen on 19th January. Teaching staff will return on Wednesday 27thJanuary. TA interviews will be conducted onsite on the afternoon of Wednesday 27th and all day Thursday 28th. Year 7 and Unit 3/4 students and Year 12 VCAL students will commence the school year on Friday 29th January. All other students will begin on Monday 1stFebruary.
The scripture reading chosen by our Year 12 students for tomorrow night’s graduation is from Matthew’s Gospel (5:13-16). It concludes “You are a light for the world. A city built on a hill cannot be hidden. No one after lighting a lamp puts it under a bushel basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all the house. In the same way let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to God in heaven.”
As we approach Christmas, able to celebrate together as families, we as a community should let our light shine. By working together this year; students, staff, families and friends of the College, we have remained connected and furthered our young people’s learning. We are grateful for our relative safety and wellbeing here in Australia. The light of Christ has shone within our midst, and I, for one, will take time, with family, to offer gratitude through prayer and worship this Christmas. Thank you for your care and support of the Damascus school community this year. God bless for the festive season and thank you for the gift of the daily presence of your amazing young people.
Until next year…
God bless