From the Principal
25 November By Mr. Matthew Byrne, Principal
Today the school is quiet without our young people present. The chance to pause as we conclude one year of learning before launching into the next provides just a moment to reflect on the achievement of our community. Our students, staff, families, carers, alumni and friends of the College all deserve the opportunity to pause and consider the achievement it has been to progress learning in 2020. Our Learning Analytics Leader, Rod Mathews has fed back very encouraging early analysis of student literacy and numeracy outcomes from recent PAT R and PAT M testing that students have for the most part not been substantially impacted as learners by our remote learning experiences. We look forward to unpacking this information more thoroughly and exploring where we need to provide additional support in 2021. The success of our community throughout this year has been very much grounded in the ability of our community to work together, and the engagement between students, their educators, the broader College and families has been critical, and I remain very grateful for the contribution of everyone.
Today student timetables for the Early Start Program are being populated in our SIMON platform and parents can gain access to these through the Parent Access Module online. Students will commence in their 2021 classes tomorrow. It can be a time of nervous anticipation, and it is very natural for students to feel challenged by the change that new groupings and experiences bring. I encourage families to support students by looking positively at the opportunities that change brings. This is the rich space for learning and growth – of course, if you feel that your student is excessively anxious, please talk to us to look at mechanisms for support.
The work covered in these classes over the next five school days will be assessable as part of Semester 1 work of 2021. From our strategic directions, we strive for “Progressive and innovative learning and teaching that maximises student outcomes.” In line with this direction, the College understands that learning is an ongoing process, and each year level/unit is connected to the next. Early Start allows us to make those links and create new energy for learning at a time when enthusiasm for learning can drop off.
There are always some challenges with staffing at this time of year as a proportion of staff finish their time at Damascus and new staff commence. Where new staff are not available for Early Start, we will have qualified, and experienced staff fulfil the teaching load, and they will hand over to new staff ahead of the new school year.
Last weekend was an exciting weekend of activities. The Sustainable Racing Team had a great day on Saturday, and I applaud the efforts of Alan Strange, Rachael Beardall and Sarah McKnight in determining a format that allowed our students to gain some of the experience of Maryborough EBT weekend here at school. Students were amazing in their efforts on the recumbent trainers and the spirit of competition between the SRT team, staff and the broader community was fierce. The livestream of the event provided some great insights to participants and the tone of the day. I congratulate our SRT team on what was a fantastic day!
On Sunday, Rowing Victoria offered a new form of regatta which was best likened to interval time trials in cycling, with crews sent off successively. It was an impressive sight to see the flotilla of crews on Lake Wendouree, and our intermediate and senior rowers performed admirably. I congratulate our rowers, coaches and support staff on your continued efforts.
Our Peer Mentors in Year 9 moving into Year 10 have been through two days of comprehensive training yesterday and again today before they move into the role of supporting our 2021 Year 7’s from the start of next year. I thank staff members Karen Goonan and Jayde Tangey for facilitating this opportunity.
Next week will be the final week for students. Students will undertake their final day of classes on Friday 4th. Current students have a student free day on Tuesday 1st, while we welcome our 2021 Year 7 students for Orientation Day. Thursday 3rd will be the final day of the Early Start Program, and on Friday we will conduct our Awards Assembly for the whole school community which will be available for families to watch via a youtube link concurrently or later that day. This last day, as with every day of school is a day when we want the entire student population involved in bringing 2020 to a close. Our Ball games that we would typically conduct on the last day will proceed but in a different format. Students will also take part in a year level assembly through the course of the day in the Damascus Events Centre to bring the year to a close. Students are encouraged to wear PE uniform next Friday, given the active nature of the day.
Today is the Year 12 Geography and then Physical Education exam. We are starting to see a large number of Year 12’s conclude their exams, and I congratulate them on their efforts. Graduation will take place next Thursday, December 3rd, from 5.30pm here at school for students and staff. This will be livestreamed to families at that time.
Our parish communities across the Diocese are excited to welcome larger numbers of participants back to Masses from this Sunday. Parishes will provide details of the changes. Details of Mass times and registration processes for the Ballarat East Parish for St Alipius and St Peter and Paul’s can be found here.
A Christmas wreath has made it onto the front door at home and Christmas lights are beginning to emerge on homes throughout Ballarat. Christmas lights speak to the energy and brightness of the festive season for me. This Sunday marks the first Sunday of Advent, and we are encouraged through the Gospel to remain alert. The lights of Christmas, mirror the Light of Christ, which is central to the Damascus Community. As we move into this season of joyful waiting for the Christ child, we are encouraged to remain alert to the presence of Good in our lives. For me, as we move from one school year to the next, that presence is in the achievement of our community, and it is the light of achievement and gratitude which shines.
Until next week…