From the Principal
10 September By Mr. Matthew Byrne, Principal
I have brought forward my Principal communication for the newsletter this week following the Premier’s announcement yesterday, to communicate what we know for the rest of this term and advise of what we are aware of for Term 4.
In this communication, I want to address:
• Arrangements for the remainder of Term 3
• Arrangements as we understand them for the commencement of Term 4
• Arrangements for Damascus Day (Wednesday, 16th September)
• The non-teaching day this Wednesday, 9th September
• 2022 Enrolment Information Webinar
• Uniform
• Scholarships
• Support available for families
• The Damascus community continuing to support each other
Arrangements for the remainder of Term 3
In line with the recent Victorian Government announcements and other schools in rural and regional Victoria, Damascus College will continue to provide remote and flexible learning for the remainder of Term 3, consistent with current settings. Onsite delivery will continue for children of essential workers and vulnerable students.
Year 12 VCAL students will attend onsite next Monday, 14th September, for their outcome assessment.
The final day of term, Friday 18th September will conclude at 2:17pm. Buses will run at this earlier time for children of essential workers and vulnerable students who are attending onsite. The timetable for the day will be available for students on the student messages page of SIMON later next week.
Arrangements as we currently understand them for the commencement of Term 4
During the first week of Term 4 from the 5th to 9th October, remote and flexible learning will continue for all students in rural and regional Victoria, including Damascus College students. Year 12 students and those students undertaking a VCE Unit 3/4 and VCE VET study will be required to attend onsite for the General Achievement Test (GAT) on Wednesday 7th October.
There may be other circumstances where VCE and VCAL students attend on-site for essential assessments between now and the 12th October, and students’ classroom teachers will advise this.
Matthew Hallowell (VCE Coordinator) will be sending out a comprehensive document this week to senior students and their families outlining the process for the GAT preparation Workshop, Trial Exams and GAT arrangements.
On-site supervision for children of essential workers and vulnerable students will continue to be provided consistent with existing guidelines.
From 12th October, schools in rural and regional Victoria, including Damascus College, will welcome all students (from Prep to Year 12) back to full-time on-site schooling by Friday 16th October. Schools can stagger the return of different year levels as appropriate during this week. This decision can be made by individual schools. Damascus College will advise as soon as possible our plan for students to return from the 12th October.
As we return, masks will continue to play an important role in protecting our community and will be required to be worn at school.
These government changes remain subject to the advice of Victoria’s Chief Health Officer, but we are delighted to be able to bring our community back together once more.
As we return for Term 4, students will transition to the summer uniform. We typically have a two week period where students can wear summer or winter uniform to accommodate the variability of spring weather in Ballarat. Traditionally, Year 12’s have been able to wear winter uniform until they finish and while they will be at school until later this year, we will allow some flexibility in wearing either the summer or winter uniform until 30th October. Year 12 students can wear their Hoodie in Term 4, except when representing the College.
Damascus Day arrangements
Damascus Day provides the opportunity each year for our community to come together to celebrate our tradition with Mass and activities. Social isolation requirements in 2020 mean that this year, our celebration on Wednesday, 16th September will be limited to a short reflection during TA. Religious Education classes will provide an opportunity for students to reflect on our theme for 2020; “Live Justly, Love Kindness and walk humbly with God.”
Non-Teaching Day - Wednesday, 9th September
I remind students and families that on Wednesday this week that we have a non-teaching day for all students. For students who are not in Year 12 or studying a Unit 3/4, there is no requirement to do work on Wednesday unless students have work un-submitted or overdue. Students studying a VCE Unit 3/4 or those in Year 12 VCE and VCAL– students are to continue their work as directed by teachers on Wednesday. Unit 4 Psychology students have a School Assessed Course work Task on Wednesday at 10.00am. The office will still be open on Wednesday as normal, but there will be no onsite supervision for students at school.
2022 Enrolment Information Webinar
This Wednesday afternoon from 5:00pm the College is conducting an information webinar for those families seeking enrolment for 2022. More information on registering for the webinar and enrolments can be found here.
Damascus College internal scholarships are open until this Thursday 10th September. These scholarships are available to students in Years 7 – 11 for 2021 and recognise academia, The Arts and Sport. The scholarships are awarded to the value of $2,000 towards fees for the next calendar year. More information on scholarships can be found here.
Support for Damascus Families
This Thursday, 10th September is RUOK Day. We are working with our student and staff population to wear yellow on Thursday and check friends and family and their wellbeing. We encourage families to use this day as an opportunity to talk about mental health and wellbeing with our young people.
If your student or family are finding this current period of isolation difficult, please talk to the College about the support that we can provide here at school. It may be some short term respite for your student if that is what your family needs. The following links are provided by the DHHS (Department of Health and Human Services) for youth-focused mental health and support services:
• Headspace - Call Headspace on 1800 650 890 or online at
• Kids Helpline - Call 1800 55 1800 or
• ReachOut - Online at
• SANE Australia - Call 1800 187 263 or online at
• Orygen Digital - Call 1800 888 320 or online at Moderated Online Social Therapy platform
The Victorian Government is helping parents and carers manage home learning and staying resilient during the coronavirus pandemic by providing a range of free online resources. On Tuesday the 15th September 7:30pm, Child Psychologist Dr Michael Carr-Gregg will provide a webinar that will focus on strategies and tools to help families manage their wellbeing, including establishing a supportive parental role and dealing with uncertainty and disappointment. Families will have an opportunity to ask Dr Carr-Gregg questions. For more information and to register click here.
SchoolTV has generously shared a special report video with the Catholic Education Commission of Victoria as part of their Coronavirus series. In this presentation, Riding the Corona Coaster, Dr Michael Carr-Gregg explores how the uncertainty of not knowing what will happen next may impact students, families and staff in school communities. He examines increasing concerns regarding mental health issues such as anxiety, depression and substance abuse amongst young people and emphasises the importance of promoting help-seeking behaviour and reducing stress levels at home. Dr Carr-Gregg provides tips for parents/carers on looking after their wellbeing during this challenging time. This presentation is available by clicking on Riding the Corona Coaster.
The safety of the Damascus community is the key priority of this period of time. It sits alongside our commitment to continuing our provision of quality education and maintaining a connected and supported community. In ensuring we are able to provide the support families need, please contact if your family is experiencing financial duress. Young people’s education must not be a victim of this global pandemic, and we are here to help.
Damascus College, VCAL Social Justice and MND
As a Catholic co-educational secondary College, our Christian foundation must be evident in our actions. This week is Catholic Education Week in the Diocese of Ballarat. Over the past week, I have had the privilege of working with our senior VCAL students as they have worked with their teachers and leader Belinda Dwyer in achieving their outcomes for their course. The students, led by Zoe Watts and Jaida Palmer, have engaged with Neale Daniher’s story and supporting research into Motor Neurone Disease (MND). Our Year 12 students had a series of activities planned for Damascus Day, which like so many other things this year, have had to be adjusted. They have not relinquished their desire to support MND research and have set up an internal activity for a COVID-19 safe ice bucket challenge, to demonstrate their VCAL competencies, which will take place next Monday.
Our students reached out to Neale Daniher, and he responded to them. Neale has insisted that his friend from Year 12 - Mr Martin Ryan, be the subject of the ice bucket challenge. As a school community, – we are only too happy to offer Marty up. I share the beautiful message from the VCAL class to Neale and his moving response here. Our students set out to raise $500, and they have already surpassed this, but if you would like to support MND, you can do so here. I think it is a beautiful expression of Christian living – young people looking to the needs of others and responding. That is what Jesus did over 2000 years ago, and it is what we continue to be called to today.
I shall provide updated information for Term 4 in my newsletter next week.
Until then …