As part of our Pastoral Care Program, students can access counselling services aimed at building greater self-acceptance, self-esteem and the ability to change behaviour.

Access to the Damascus College Counselling service is another means by which provision is made for the care of our students.

Counselling can help if you are experiencing personal problems, whether long-standing or resulting from a temporary crisis, that affect your academic or social life while studying. Deciding to see a counsellor is a positive step towards making things better for you.

The Counselling Service has a team of three practitioners. They can be contacted by emailing

The counsellor will:

  • Listen carefully to what the student says;
  • Work with the students so that they can see your situation more clearly;
  • Help the student discover and develop their own resources;
  • Help the student resolve their difficulties;
  • Where appropriate, put the student in touch with other sources of assistance within and outside of the educational institution;

Students have the right to expect that:

  • They will be treated with respect at all times;
  • Their cultural background and language tradition will be respected;
  • They will be asked to give their consent for any service provided by their counsellor prior to the service commencing and as it progresses; and
  • They will receive an explanation about confidentiality and the exceptional situations where their confidentiality may not be protected.

Be. My. Best.

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