Employment Application Process

All applications for employment with Damascus College should include the following four items:

  1. A completed application form, from either of the below: Teaching Position Application Form Non-Teaching Position Application Form
  2. A covering letter addressed to Mr Steven Mifsud, Principal
  3. A copy of your current Curriculum Vitae (including the contact details of 3 referees) and
  4. A document containing detailed responses to the Selection Criteria

    The Selection Criteria can be located in the position description or role outline for each position, located within the 'Employment Vacancy' advertisement.

    Applications should be emailed to: recruitment@damascus.vic.edu.au

    During the recruitment process, all applicants will be required to provide the following:

    • Evidence of eligibility to work in Australia
    • Proof of identification
    • A Child Safety Declaration
    • Evidence of current VIT registration or
    • Evidence or agree to undertake a Working With Children Check for non-teaching positions

    Damascus College is committed to the safety, wellbeing and inclusion of all children and young people. All employees of and volunteers to the College must be committed to providing the highest level of safety and care.

    All staff members at Damascus College are expected to support the Catholic ethos and the Vision of the College as follows:

    Should you require any further information about employment at Damascus College, please refer to our Damascus College Information and Application Guide, or alternatively contact the HR team at 03 5337 2222, or email at recruitment@damascus.vic.edu.au

    Our Vision

    Damascus College is a dynamic Christ-centred learning community that values each member, and is committed to inspiring and challenging students to reach their potential and contribute confidently to the global community.

    This community is committed to the safety, well-being and protection of all children in our care.

    Employment Opportunities are also listed on the Damascus College LinkedIn page.

    Please follow us!