The Alumni Art and Technology prize is an annual collaboration between Damascus College and a selected alumni member to produce a commissioned piece of art or technology for the College to display and celebrate.

Would you like the opportunity to showcase your Art or Technology talent in the new senior building?

In 2024, Damascus College is updating the focus for the Alumni Art and Technology Prize, with the inclusion of technology and introducing a new theme.

In addition, Damascus College is excited to announce the rare opportunity for an alumni member to have their art or technology piece adorned permanently.

The new theme for the Alumni Art and Technology Prize is the Mercy Values - please see application details below for more information.

As part of this year’s prize, Damascus is seeking expression of interest for a commissioned piece of art or technology for the new senior building!

The new senior building is currently in construction and due for completion in early 2025, and the College is seeking meaningful and thought-provoking art and technology pieces that will tie the contemporary three-story building with the history and connections of Damascus and founding Colleges.

To commence creative exploration, the identified needs for the senior building are:

  • A design of one or six separate window decals
  • A structure to be affixed to a wall, indoor or outdoor
  • A sculpture to stand indoor or outdoor
  • A painting to be affixed to an indoor wall
  • A hanging mobile for indoor ceiling

The piece produced must speak to the Mercy values, either interpreting all six values or by choosing one value that resonates most to the artist. The mediums used could include (but not limited to) wood, metal, bronze, graphic design, textiles, paint and much more – all creative ideas and interpretations welcome.

Damascus College will pay a fee to the artist who has been commissioned to undertake the work.

Application details

  1. Entry is open to Damascus College Alumni. Alumni are defined as past students and staff of Damascus College and its foundation Colleges, Sacred Heart, St Paul’s and St Martin’s in the Pines.
  2. The piece produced must speak to the Mercy values, either throughout interpreting all six values or by choosing one value that resonates most to the artist.
  3. The medium with which the final piece is created will be decided by mutual agreement between the College and the artist
  4. The dimensions of the final piece will be stipulated by the College
  5. The artist will provide concept drawings or sketches of the artwork for the approval of the College prior the artwork being finalised.
  6. A written statement piece must be provided by the artist
  7. The commission fee will be a negotiation between the artist and the College Principal and will be determined PRIOR to the commencement of the work. Historically the usual commission is a sum of $2000, however given the scope of the piece, negotiation will take place to cover the cost of production.
  8. The artist grants an exclusive license to Damascus College to photograph the piece or otherwise reproduce the artwork for College publications and/or promotional materials in perpetuity.

Respect: to see the goodness in everyone we encounter. To be self-aware, reflective and respectful of uniqueness in embracing our interconnectedness with all God’s creation.

Compassion: to recognise the suffering of others with gentleness and kindness. To answer the call to action by not being bystanders in times of challenge. To understand that compassion is a decision, not a feeling.

Justice: to recognise, respond, speak out and act whenever injustice is seen. We are inspired by Jesus Christ to be stewards working together to make our planet more peaceful, sustainable, and just.

Courage: to act with integrity when attitudes and social barriers stand in the way of ethical living and decision making. To be resilient and have grit to meet the demands of our Christian mission, in encountering injustice and actively working toward a more equal and equitable future for all.

Service: to serve and not be served. To be generous in sharing our talents and resources so that no one might be in need. Being of service to others is an act of gratefulness and in turn offers thanksgiving to God.

Hospitality: to open our heart and home to welcome the stranger. To move beyond our comfort zone to create an experience of ‘home’ for others.


Simply enter your application by filling out the below form and providing:

  • Previous work examples
  • Illustrations/Sketch of the proposed piece
  • Description of the proposed piece and how it aligns with the Mercy Value/s
As a reference, please see the below photo gallery of existing pieces throughout the school.

Alumni Art Prize Recipients

Shelby Sherritt
2023 Alumni Art Prize Recipient

Class of 2013

Maria Stratford
2021 Alumni Art Prize Recipient

Class of 1974

Rachael Beardall
2020 Alumni Art Prize Recipient

Class of 2014

Amelia Johnson
2019 Alumni Art Prize Recipient

Class of 2017

Seona Murnane
2018 Alumni Art Prize Recipient

Class of 1995

Peter Thomas
2017 Alumni Art Prize Recipient

Class of 1992

Nareeda Lewers
2016 Alumni Art Prize Recipient

Class o 1996

Kim Anderson
2015 Alumni Art Prize Recipient

Class of 1997

Alumni at Damascus College are defined as past students and staff of Damascus College and its foundation colleges, Sacred Heart, St Paul’s and St Martin’s in the Pines.

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