The Damascus College Leadership Team has oversight for all aspects of the School’s operations.

Mr Steven Mifsud
Mr Chris Grant
Deputy Principal
Mr Brett Holloway
Leader of Finance & Operations
Ms Sarah Boswell
Leader of Marketing & Development
Mr Ashwin Pillai
Assistant Principal, Learning & Teaching
Mrs Sharon Lehtonen
Assistant Principal, Catholic School Culture
Mr Andrew Robertson
Assistant Principal, Student Wellbeing

Damascus College is governed by the Diocese of Ballarat Catholic Education Limited (DOBCEL).

Diocese of Ballarat Catholic Education Limited (DOBCEL)

The role of the DOBCEL board is govern, service, and partner with Damascus to enable every student to flourish.
The Board has the ultimate responsibility for our school operations and serves as employer to all Damascus College staff.
They are charged with the responsibility of:

  • enacting the vision and key strategic priorities of Catholic education in the Ballarat Diocese
  • nurturing leaders in facilitating learning and improvement within the school community
  • promoting adult learning that is tailored the needs of the individual; and,
  • modelling a culture of continuous improvement within the education system.

For details of the individual directors of the DOBCEL Board please follow the link: DOBCEL Board

School Advisory Council (SAC)

The Damascus School Advisory Council offers a forum and a voice to the members of the Damascus community.

It is engaged to promote and enact the values, ethos and Mercy traditions of the College, as well as to provide support and advice to the College Principal in executing the strategic priorities of the school.
Members of the School Advisory Council also convene and lead the school’s strategic subcommittees in conjunction with leaders within the school. Subcommittees are aligned with the key pillars supporting the school, including:

  • Faith and Catholic Identity
  • Learning and Leading
  • Wellbeing in Action
  • Community Connection
  • Future & Stewardship

School Advisory Council Terms of Reference

School Advisory Council Members:

  • Lucy O'Beirne (Chair)
  • Brett Holloway (Deputy Chair)
  • Emily Clarke
  • Fr Marcello Colasante
  • Sr Marie Davey
  • Christopher Grant
  • Cassie Lindsey
  • Steven Mifsud
  • Lisa Mitchell

Campus Tour Video

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