Damascus College is a Child Safe School.
The ongoing safety and well-being of all children and young people is the primary focus of care and decision making at Damascus College. Particular attention is paid to the cultural safety of Aboriginal children and children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds as well as the safety of children with a disability.
In partnership with our families, Damascus College ensures children and young people are engaged and active participants in decision-making processes, particularly those that have an impact on their safety. The Child Safe Officers for the College are Andrew Robertson, Assistant Principal, Student Wellbeing and Hannah Keating, Leader of Student Wellbeing
For any enquiries regarding Child Safe issues, please contact them at childsafety@damascus.vic.edu.au or 03 5337 2222.
Damascus College Bullying Prevention (including Cyberbullying)
Damascus College Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy
Damascus College Child Safety Policy Student Version
Damascus College Complaints Handling
Damascus College Diversity and Equity Policy
Damascus College Engaging Families and Caregivers in Child Safety
Damascus College Safeguarding Children & Young People Code of Conduct
Damascus College School Recruitment Policy
DOBCEL Identifying and Responding to Abuse_ PROTECT - Reporting Obligations Procedures